SB Labs

Unicornz Logger 2 month trial

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Day 7 arms

I went for higher reps this go around

Preacher curls two warm-up sets
For working sets 14 14 14 13
Dumbbell alternating hammer 15 13 15
Cable rope attachment hammer 17 15 15 15
Cable the bicep flex 15 15 15
Cable EZ bar curl 12 12 14
Palms down EZ bar cable curl 12 12 13 13

EZ curl bar palms up tricep pull Downs 35 20 15 15
Cable behind the head tricep extension rope 15 15 11
Skull crusher’s close-grip 12 15 10
Skull crusher’s wider grip 10 8 10
Single arm cable tricep kickbacks 12 15 15 each
Rope tricep pull Downs 13 14 16 22

Protein 160g
Carbohydrates 245g
Fat’s 100g
Calories 2500 - 2700

Old lady made spaghetti today with 93% lean ground beef and Italian sausage with the protein “infused” noodles. I had six cups of this stuff which was not added on because I could not properly calculate so it was not put on the numbers you see above. So carbohydrates fats and calories are definitely a lot higher and the protein I’d have to say should be around the 200 gram range with the meats and protein infused pasta.
Day 8 rest. 250mg Test C

Will add food intake later tonight…

Hope you all having a good weekend…

(Later tonight)

Protein 200g +
Carbs 380g +
Fats 120g +
Calories 3000-3200 +

ONCE AGAIN i had 6 cups of those protein “infused”
Pasta spaghetti so those numbers are higher. Just could not calculate it in…Tomorrow is shoulders, traps.
3 more weeks until Tren is added…thank you…
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Day 9 shoulder traps

Two warm up side laterals
Working sets 20 20 17 17 14 10
Wide upright rows 13 13 14 12
Machine side laterals 15 13 13 10 14 13
Seated bent over reverse flys palms facing each other 15 15 12
Same thing palms facing back of heels 12 13 14 16
Face pull rope 12 13 11 13
Reverse tennis swing elbow to ribs 12 12 12 each
Same thing palms facing down 11 11 each
Machine shoulder press 8 12 14 11
Alternating Hammer raises 11 11 11 10 each
EZ curl bar cable through the legs 13 11 11 13
Smith machine behind the back shoulder shrugs 17 12 12
Same thing from the front 12 15 17
Dumbbell shoulder shrugs 10 12 12 12 12

For the face pull I tried using an EZ curl bar pulley slightly above shoulder height like a standing row pretty much …felt it more in the back than the rear delts so I utilized the rope as usual… I’ll continue to play with that exercise and attachment though…

Will Fill out food intake later tonight…

(I lied later the next day 4 today…)

Protein 190 g
Carbohydrates 310 g
Fats 110 g
Calories 3200 - 3300

I also had three cups of that infused protein pasta spaghetti which is not accounted for, for the numbers above…
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Thanks brother. Just trying to get it done. Im always motivated but a little more now since a lot have flaked out on the sponsor…so im extra motivated…Been feeling really good. Got legs tomorrow. Going to check how much that PR has changed… Once again thank you…
Day 10…I lied instead of doing legs I did chest and calves…

Just wasn’t feeling it apparently neither was my shoulder doing chest exercises after warm ups I did 5 working sets between 13 and 15 reps flat bench dumbbells…, Then I did five sets only slightly incline push-up fun bars that are attached to a pull-up machine they were about 6 inches off the floor anyways 5 sets of 10… Then I did machine pec deck 5 sets of 15 then I did incline dumbbell press have a set as my shoulder couldn’t take it so I went to the machine incline press 3 sets of 10 the last week four sets of cable flyes shoulder height 15 reps…

Cavs I utilize the leg press machine five sets of 15 then Smith machine three sets of 15 regular stance then six sets of 15 toes in word lastly 6 sex seated calf raise regular placement… Excuse the un uniform log layout for today… A little pissed off what’s a shoulder right now… I kind of want to just try and lift the heaviest thing I can with this shoulder…like…" You want to play with me?!?"… But yeah that doesn’t work so I sped up the chest routine for today


I had great strength increases yesterday for my shoulder workout. For instance I was able to add 10 lb to my dumbbell side laterals and get a good 10 rep set in. And there was a couple of various exercises on shoulders where I was able to add 5 to 10 lb and rep out comfortably what correct form. AND AS FAR AS TODAY!!! Obviously chest suck balls… But for every calf exercise I was able to add 20 pounds each and rep those out comfortably and correctly no half-assing no half reps… Thank you I will throw in food intake later tonight… I’ve also gained 5 lb thus far…

Protein 200g
Carbohydrates 300g
Fats 130g
Calories 3000-3200
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Day 11 Legs

To warm-ups leg extensions…
Working sets 14 13 13 14 13 11
Leg press 18 14 13 12 17 10
Smith machine squat 12 11 3 1 1
Added 15 pounds to one rep max Smith machine squat

Standing Single leg curls 12 12 8 each
Seated curl 17 14 15 14 16 16 17
Walking lunges 30 lb bag 11 10 10 11 each

Felt some back pumps on single leg curls so left that
Did extra seated curls…felt better back pump went away… pump Came back during lunges so skipped Romanian dead lefts… legs felt decent though… And I purposely exhaust my legs before performing a new PR… I don’t get warmed up and go right to it. Make sure my legs are pretty exhausted beforehand…more challenging for me…

Will add food intake later thanks…


Protein 200g
Carbohydrates 275g
Fats 160
Calories 3100-3300
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Still day 11…Despite the back pump damn good work out… Have to use stairs up and down to leave the gym felt the soreness walking up… Felt a little buckling walking down…so all in all good… 30 minute drive home… park the car… open the door…almost collapsed getting out…my mind forgot but not these legs…yea…good work out…
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Nothing worse then explaining to people why your staggering around like a drunk. You just trained legs and now they’re not cooperating!
Day 12 Back. 250mg Test C

Two warm up bent over single arm dumbbell rows
Working sets 15 15 11 each
Bent over Smith machine row 16 14 13 12 12
Wide grip lat pull-downs 18 15 13 10 13 13
Shoulder-width grip cable rows 13 15 15 15
Shoulder height cable reverse flys 17 16 13 16
T bar 15 13 13

A little late because it’s day 12 but I had the old lady measure me out to have comparisons for the last day. Did me a lat spread picture as well for comparisons for later.

Food intake later tonight… Taking tomorrow off might take 2 days thank you…

Later tonight…
Protein 200g
Carbohydrates 500g
Fats 130g
Calories 3700-3900
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Earned me some cheat meals dammit…🤣… Got a 12-hour shift tomorrow then have to take a 30 minute drive to the grocery store to stock backup … I saw this coming as why I held off for the rest day until tomorrow… Thanks @JLee
She was actually the one in my ass hey we need to measure…for the past 3 days now… So props to her… She keeps trying to measure my dick though…🤔
I told her I’m hung like a field mouse and to just leave it alone…
Day 13 Rest

Did my 12 hour shift… Got groceries… Now im sitting here scratching my nuts while the ole lady puts it away posting for yall and 🦄 labs… will post macros later tonight… Ate a little less then I wanted to because work shitted me on a break but it’s all good though…💪💪💪

Protein 215g
Carbohydrates 450g
Fats 135g
Calories 3700-3900g
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Day 14 rest

Wasn’t the greatest rest days working 24 hours and all. Not that im bragging cuz i know yall have some long hours as well…pretty decent though i guess… Ready to hop back on arms tomorrow. Might go heavy this time. Try some one rep max’s with easy curl bar curls and skull crushers to have different strength comparison besides legs… Will include food intake later… Thanks…

Later tonight…

Weak intake today… Not a set back to me though…
Numbers are true as i can get no lying no faking or blowing smoke up yalls asses… Thank you…💪💪💪

Protein 150g
Carbohydrates 200g
Fats 85g
Calories 2200-2300g
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Thanks bro. Today was a weak day for intake… But i feel good…body feels content so ill listen to it and not force anything… Definitely give it some real rest tonight though since i dont have to wake early morn for work…
Appreciate it 💪
Yesterday day 15 decided to take another rest.
Test C 250mg

Food intake was very miniscule so im not even going to bother…🤣
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