Well this day sucked

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Do you remember if it was a total rupture. Its a weird muscle. Attaches to the clavicle and the bicep (humerus actually) I had mine fixed up 20 years ago and still have that indentation…when Lean
I have an indentation from where they repaired my subscapular tendon and bicep on my right side. One head of the bicep either detached or is just smothered up or something. Makes the peak on my right bicep crazy good, but one notices the indentation when the arm hangs straight. Oh well. Is what it is.
What’s the prognosis, big guy? Assuming a full year’s worth of rehab, back to ground zero? Or will you be limited? (I mention the concept of “limited” in connection with you somewhat in jest!)
Hopefully back in 4-6 months . By 6 month should be pressing 50% 1 rm but time will tell. Started all the peptides and GH on Monday so with any luck they’ll cut 4-6 weeks off of rehab. Definitely will not be competing this year so I’ll do the North American’s at age 50 .
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