SB Labs

Whats going on this weekend with ugm members

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Here is my dream smoker…one of these days!



Its a beast 70-80lbs of food is alot. I need something smaller and fit for smaller to medium sized cuts.
It is a beauty though damn
Its 800lbs lol
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They have a smaller 36 model that probably would fit you perfect. I’m just thinking ahead as a family of 7 and that we hold a lot of family parties, so wanted something bigger mainly for that. Downside of course is the bigger you go the more charcoal/logs you’ll need. I prefer lump hard wood charcoal with my logs and it’s much cheaper than the name brand charcoals. When you get into it buy spare ribs and then trim them up Memphis style (basically main rib is 10 bones and cut so you have no cartilage). You’ll have a ton of extra meat you can make riblets out off or even stews. Spares are also much meatier and cheaper than baby backs.
Here’s my current rig. You fill the bottom with charcoal and wood. Then light a small amount of charcoal in a chimney and pour it right in the middle. It then slowly catches the rest as time passes. Usually just have to add a little bit more charcoal wood once or twice for a long 12 hour smoke. I have 4 pork butts on the bottom. Could put 4 more on the top if I wanted to. This thing holds temps awesome…rarely have to make adjustments. Have 2 probes that transmit wirelessly so I can just monitor from inside. One for internal temp of meat and the other clips on the grate so I always know the temperature.




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I have looked at these before and thought that they weren’t good and I needed a flat one like in the pic you showed.

I will start looking at these again because there in my budget.
Nope not at all for the Weber Smokey Mountain. The main ones to steer clear are the offset box ones that are sold at most hardware stores as they aren’t reverse flow and won’t maintain heat evenly…will be too hot near the firebox and/or too cool at the other end.
Well it died a slow death a year later. My dad always used the quote Fix Or Repair Daily or Definitely Not - First On Race Day.
There is kind of a cult following for either the WSM I use or the Green Egg. I personally don’t like the Green Egg as although it is very efficient at holding temps because it is insulated, it doesn’t put out enough smoke for my taste. However, a lot of people use them in competitions and win.
Harry Soo competes often using the WSM. I think his team name is Slap Yo Daddy BBQ. 😂 He’s on that BBQ Pitmasters series if you were able to find it.

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