Why do I sweat so much

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I always kinda chalked it up because I chew. I should start buying food with more salt in it for my lunch because i put salt on everything. but ive always been someone who sweats alot even before test.
I never thought about that…I dipped for 35 years. Finally kicked that habit…traded it for nicotine lozenges which I CANT seem to shake!

Nicotine is a stimulant so maybe that contributes to a sweaty guy.
Sorry, I forgot to mention, I’m natty, and have also had sweating issues all my life. I used to be a pack a day smoker, quitting reduced my night sweats, that’s about it.
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I got. 35 on my math act and 18 on grammar so yeah form sentences spelling and what not aren’t strong suit add fat fingers and speed typing with autocorrect that has given up trying to correct me the right direction boom dirt speak
My “reading comprehension” was so bad in high school, I was in remedial english classes, at the same time I was in AP science/math courses.
I mean I’m smart enough to get by but the whole
Grammar rules make no sense to me math is absolutes language they just make up shit as they go
Taking anabolics can alter the natural state of youR hypothalamus and your hypothalamus is also responsible for controlling body temps among other things. Thats part of the reason women get hot flashes during menopause.

This is just a quick Google search I can’t find the original article I read. I look it up because when I was taking Tren I was sweating profusely through my pillows and bed sheets, I would feel like I just hoped out of the shower into bed without drying off. So I ended that cycle it was to much for me and my wife hated the smell of old sweat so we had to wash them every day,she wasn’t to happy.

Our internal body temperature is regulated by a part of our brain called the hypothalamus . The hypothalamus checks our current temperature and compares it with the normal temperature of about 37°C. If our temperature is too low, the hypothalamus makes sure that the body generates and maintains heat.

Anabolic steroids can change the messages the hypothalamus sends to the body. This can disrupt normal hormone function. In guys, anabolic steroids can interfere with the normal production of testosterone. They can also act directly on the testes and cause them to shrink.
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