SB Labs

2020 a new year with new goals and I have a starting lineup


That’s what I have access to for a upcoming cycle I will have to get alot of other items but I do have exemestane by natco and I definitely need alot of proviron, tbol and nolvadex.

I just started last night I pinned 100mg and will be using testosterone cypionate from symbiotec. My plan is to get some proviron 50mg split ed indefinite, tbol 40-50mg split ed 6-8wks, and then increase to 200mg/ml 2x a week but until I have everything together I will be running 200mg/ml split a week.

The plan this year is almost the same as last year get bigger but stay leaner.
The get bigger part is easy but the stay lean while doing it is where I struggle.

I will also be starting my ECA stack before my cardio ed for around 3 weeks this should cut the 12-15lbs im looking to lose before I start it might cut even more honestly but im alot leaner than I was so not as much to drop as quickly as in the past.
After the ECA stack further into the future I will use the vial of Helios to see how clenbuterol and yhombine actually work.

My actual goals this year are to gain about <20lb> of actual muscle mass. My stats are
228lbs this morning
Bf% 18-20%

So my first step is to cut unwanted weight. I have to take 228lbs and lose 15lb leaving me at 213lb which is the weight I should start my cycle at because this is where I finished my last cycle the year before at 212 and I was very lean with abs this way my diet is already going for a month or two before starting my cycle this year. I should easily cut this weight in 3wks with an ECA stack.

The compounds that im going to use this year are really simple nothing complicated.
Mostly just testosterone enanthate or cypionate.
To add to the year I will run tbol 2x for 6wks through the year. I will take proviron the whole time and I also have a little surprise im going to run the MHN 10mg which is a complicated compound split its so strong i might go to 15mg maybe but depends upon how im reacting to it and I will definitely be taking caber and exemestane to control that beast.
I will add npp somewhere in the year as a blast when I run some of the turinabol for about 8-12wks.
The big guy is the primobolan I really like it but im not sure if I want to use it again its a great compound you keep everything you gain but it hits your hairline hard and also it gave me the worst acne ever lol I do enjoy using it though especially for extended periods of time.
I wish I could ask Arnold how he never had any acne issues running primo lol
MENT is another compound that I might use this year I have some and all the research on it makes it seem like a really good muscle producer and I would like to add alot of hard mass. I have to get more information about MENT or I might just leave it out.
Im going to start running lower doses im not going to ever compete so no need to run and train enhanced for the stage but I definitely always like to look good for the ladies so I will train enhanced to look good.


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That’s the big issue about ment is you have to keep estrogen in range.
It causes alot of conversion and they say you don’t even need to run testosterone supposedly it doesn’t crash your natural levels. If your levels are already shutdown they say run 50mg/ml a week of testosterone.
I don’t even really know alot to learn still.
Yes they say you don’t, I believe some big company was/is experimenting with it as a replacement for test, male infertility type shit
Can’t wait to hear how this all treats you!
Perhaps some before/after pics?
I’ve always wanted to venture out on different compounds, but honestly scares me with most because I don’t know shit about em…
You have been a member here for awhile and been apart of many convos you know a bit and as you go along just research the compound until you know all the broscience and actual science so you’re ready for whatever might happen. Then you will be good brother we all got your back when it comes to getting experience especially real life
Use being scared to your advantage, research a lot, and learning at a slow pace is not a bad thing.Fear can be a motivator, and yes,I for the most part practice what I preach when it comes to being scared to do or try something, just sayin.
THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO USING AAS YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT… but I never, ever want someone to think I’m a pussy, for instance my buddy I work for is a contractor, he does roofing, I don’t like heights or being a a roof even if it isn’t a steep pitch, however, I will not tell him no, or that I’m scared, I just do it, so him or the other dudes can’t call me a pussy, and I hope he never figures out, that if you actually call me scared or a pussy, it will get me to do almost anything, every time, just to prove I’m not. It sounds kinda immature and ignorant but whatever, that’s how I roll.
I honestly 100% believe that brother we might just talk to each other online but I can still tell a bit about you. You also have the heart of a giant your friendly but when it gets real you wouldn’t give an inch no matter what.
Well sense I took my first pin of symbiotec test cyp ive been having horrible intestine’s problems mostly diarrhea I feel like I might have been constipated and the first shot got rid of all that but besides that hopefully it will clear up and we can keep everything going.