SB Labs

2020 a new year with new goals and I have a starting lineup


I decided to take my cardio to the next level with a nice pwo consisting of my injection of test cyp 100mg/primo e 200mg and then I added in my ephedrine hcl inj amps great stuff its actually starting to work as I write this message. Im going to hit talk to you in a bit about my workout. This is the first time I have ran an ECA stack in awhile.
Definitely tough but those 50mg/ml that are brown be careful if those are what you are referring to they were heavily counterfeited in paki.
You just have to find the right sponsor I only support ugmuscle sponsors.
They are absolutely amazing though I only use 25mg/ml at a time no need to go up anymore if its legitimate product even with tabs like primatine. Just use the stack and it will work much better than taking more ephedrine.
Not good well not as good as I would like lol that’s why I decided to start the eca stack today. Im 3wks in on testosterone c and primo also I wanted to lose all the weight before I started adding everything in but I haven’t gotten below 220 yet.
I didn’t want to continue to wait when im heading towards my goals im eating right and training is in full force. If I was slacking I wouldn’t have started. I have less than 10-12lbs to lose but I would like to cut even more than that if I can I believe 212 is my bottom weight. I just want to come out of this blast like I did my last lean enough to have abs but comfortable. That’s when I was at 212lb

Im also starting HGH 2iu today until I run out ive got 8 vials 10iu each left from my last cycle that should help especially with any weight
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You’re not in bad shape at all, that’ll come off. I don’t what’s up with me, I’ve got a blood workup scheduled for Feb 18, I’m losing weight fine. I’m probably at my goal, if not lower, but I still don’t feel great. Letting my weight go so much last year definitely took a toll on me. I wanted to start tren in March, that’s not gonna happen. I’m thinking based on how my blood work looks starting a very mild cycle like test/mast or test/npp and see how that goes for 8 weeks. I’ve ran pretty stupid high cycles at 230lbs and felt like a god, but I’m close to 220 now and I still feel like I’m 275.
How much weight do you have to peel off or would like to peel off?

Honestly I would reccomend cut mix or andro mix whatever the name might be a blend of test mast tren is perfect or if you’re really against tren like I am ive never used it before I would replace the tren with npp low dose and run a deficit.
Cutting on npp is really good add tbol and you will be looking good as long as you run a good diet and train hard.
My goal was 220, which I’m at. Which puts me at approx 20% bf, which is high, but has always been about natural for me, I’ve never felt heavy at 220. I love tren and have ran it at least a dozen times, but my body’s telling me no.
Im 18% when everyone says that there 10% I don’t believe it but alot of guys don’t really have a way to measure besides the apps which aren’t that accurate.
Phd is 8% before a show probably not many people can walk around like that some are just naturally prone to having low bf. Then you have some that are just built big than others that have just gotten fat. Ive been were I just got to fat that was 7yrs ago now I believe lost all the weight down to 186lb and then started working out natty then after my bicep rupture started to run enhanced again.
So A quick update on my run this year im still running
Test cyp 200mg split 2x a wk 100mg/ml
Primo 200mg/ml 2x a week

Im doing very well now my extra little chunk is basically gone and ive thinned out and I have definitely got my definition across my upper body and back my legs are growing.
Ive been eating light cals but heavy real meat protein low cabs and good fats but im not perfect I cheat alot and I look at it as a refeed lol
It definitely boosts my energy and gets me some amazing workouts.

I plan on running
Test prop
Mast P
300mg/ml total blend im going to run 1ml eod for 80 days with turinabol for 50 days 25mg 2x a day.

I look forward to the next step but its a marathon not a race so I have to take it slow and my gains will keep going with the compounds im already using then once im dense then I will blast with the blend.

Good luck and good gains brothers and sisters
Oh forgot to mention that I switched from pcom primo 200 to dragon pharma 200mg/ml.
God damn this dragon vial has a bite but the other didn’t I have had this happen before with other vials. I mix my compounds in syringes to inject together so I mix the primo and test the first 2 vials of primo were pcom and dragon almost empty both were fine
I mixed the same testosterone with the new vial and I now have 2 spots that are swollen. I almost went to the hospital for antibiotics because of the first it was really bad.
I don’t know anything about brewing but how can the same batch of 2 compounds mixed together not hurt but then you open a new vial same batch but extreme pip?? I can’t figure it out
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I’ve had that happen, and it bothers me, if I’m not doin something different and I’m using the same thing from the same batch, then what does that say about wha it is they’ve one is using, hmmm
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Is it the same batch is it something that im doing is it just something that happens because im mixing different chems. I don’t know
That’s why I enjoyed the primo I had with 100% EO in amps no pip at all and strong but still at 100mg/ml
These other labs at 200mg/ml have a nice bite but most are made in mig840. I don’t want to confuse anyone its not crippling pip but I have had a pirate limp from a leg shot. Lol
So my problem with the pip from the primo and testosterone mixed together I did what I believe @John said to put it so that the testosterone would go in first seems to have worked no pip on my last shot. Might just be luck but hopefully moving forward no pip