SB Labs

Back in the gym after a month - age 53 - built by Flash⚡️Labs

I agree it’s not right. It’s a broken system and unfortunately it won’t change in our lives. In Massachusetts their free healthcare is phenomenal. Next state up New Hampshire doesn’t pay for anything. Maine might be even worse then NH
I don’t believe so. Mass Health includes dentist, prescriptions, x-rays, surgery and all kinds of stuff. NH state pays for some prescription and bare necessity dentist and some emergency stuff. Maine just offers discount on prescription and physical. It’s not much but something
See its crazy from state to state Obama made it a law so that states could govern themselves for gay marriage and medical marijuana also things like abortion.
Did he know that it would cause all this chaos I don’t think so it effected the affordable care act and really all the voting laws medical and recreational marijuana and so much more he opened pandoras box with that law