SB Labs

DHEA Log Multiple Members

Its just waiting in line to get in and get the appt done. Then I need the procedure to get scoped its all a waiting game.
No insurance so this is medical care I receive smh its my fault I should have had insurance
Applied 50mg to inner thighs.
Breakfast was,5 duck eggs,2 plain bagels=106 carbs,7 fake sausages (morning star brand they 100% have no meat,but they taste outfuckinstanding I swear, and I’m a Carnivore,yet I love them.) Water,Oj,strawberries.
I am doin calfs,forearms and traps later.
Spectacular!!! I gotta say it helps me in that department, too, especially when I’ve had to take Adex because of an E2 spike.

Interesting speculation about the spike. Maybe, but to me, it just feels like DHEA taken orally times 10. Just more potent version of the same stuff. But would be interesting to have it tested!

Obviously, not so spectacular about the blood. Keep us posted, brother.
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No doubt yeah im really surprised I thought that I was going to experience some weight loss while training it gave me the energy to train and then last night was great after almost 2yrs really appreciate the reccomendation.

I feel like it might be spiked because I truly feel like im using an androgen
50mg applied to my thigh.
Today is international NOT DO MY CHEST DAY
IT IS NATIONAL DELTS DAY,I’m gonna use Kong Sauce PWO, military presses till I’m shaking and cant do no more.
I was just told I couldn’t do my blood work for TRT because of the DHEA I need to stop for 3 days and go back again this sucks I didn’t even think that dhea would effect the results but that shows it works
All right guys… I’m putting this out there.

I got on the scales this afternoon and was 199.7.

I’m extremely regimental and haven’t changed one thing except adding in dhea every evening.

More food for thought… the weather here has been perfect. Not too hot with humidity down in the 50 percent range. Very unusual. So it’s not like i sweated pounds of fluid out.

I will post up bw throughout the week.