SB Labs

DHEA Log Multiple Members

I wish cannabis helped me sleep,I dont get like that when I smoke,I like to do stuff, work, hike,hunt,gardening, fish,fuck,etc etc.
Sometime at the end of my mid-winter January bow, I had ate a brownie and ate lunch, got ready to go sit in a homemade ground blind, it was snowing nice and peaceful like, well it hit me fuckin hard on the walk to the blind,its a bit over a half mile, and it took FOREVER,I was as high as I’ve ever been,and then some.It was relaxing,scenery was beautiful.
Do you smoke indica only?

89% thc indica smoked alot and I was able to sleep 8hrs

You should try to get a high concentration indica the 60% range doesn’t cut it
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My cartridges are usually hybrids, I smoke both,there’s no differences to how I feel really on Either or the Hybrids, as long as it’s good I will get it,and most of the cartridges are 80-90%. My buds I can 2-3 hit and it works same with cartridges,I’m a happy man when I get desired results at 2-4 hits
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John said:
My cartridges are usually hybrids
This is the problem brother when you want to be active smoke a hybrid but us we can’t smoke sativa or atleast shouldn’t indica straight up high concentration will do you great at night.
I assure you buddy, it dont work, I smoke on and off all day,my greens I smoke when I get home, is indica.
I complain about my sleep, but obviously I can function so it’s not terrible,its just really annoying waking up a lot,and at the same time being a light sleeper may save my family’s life one day…

Sleep zero

Eat crackers, watermelon, sandwich on half bagel

Dhea applied to chest and inner thigh 100mg split 2x 50mg yesterday today applied to inner arm

Training flatbench, overhead pulls

Today training legs will see what I can get done
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DHEA applied to my sack.Tomorrow I will use inner thighs.
I am gonna do chest today.Pec Deck,Decline push ups(feet on the steps while my hands are on the floor)I will thrown in something else on the machine.
Breakfast was 5 duck eggs,4 toast no butter,grapes and strawberries,6 turkey sausage.