SB Labs

Dirts ipl north americas log

Doubtful probably Greenville or somewhwere still close enough to dad. Theirs also the situation with maybe meeting a woman and then everything could change their. The chick who canceled Saturday and I have been talking still taking it slower she even though was part told the sexual talks thought maybe I was a little too focused on that aspect and she didn’t want to be just some one night stand thing. I had to explain my lack of sex and even being able to really talk about it plus steroids made me go a
Little overboard when the topic popped up. Ironically the chick who canceled but immediately blocked me on insta and my number last year showed up in people I may know on fb this week.
Just an observation/opinion:

Guys like you have potential for world class high ranking numbers. You have natural strength and body mass. You top that with the work you put in and you’re already golden.

Getting in a pling gym with a “team” and dedicated coach with a great eye… you will probably only need minor tweaks to your training and form to put you over the top.
Felt like shit till second back off set now i think i need to come in earlier and get proper warm
Up on dead’s
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There’s really no set one gym any more guys are coming from everywhere Columbus isn’t really the place anymore and they were equipped when it was. With being able to film everything times have changed.
And who the hell wants to live in Ohio!

Glad the Sdrol works out for you. I wish I could tolerate it better, because I for sure had some good strength gains and some size gains that were pretty dry, but the heartburn and tiredness/lethargy kicked in after week 3 and it was no bueno by week 4.


Off day lots of sleep. I’m still amazed at how much better I sleep during the day now that I’m not on nights. It’s almost like no matter the shift the body will choose a different. Time to sleep
Second shift but it seems I’ve gotten a little bug in me. What I get for going out and drinking water instead of beer haha. Hopefully I feel good enough to do deads tomorrow