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Off day but hitting the apps hard but the chick I’m feeling the most is one I met at raves. If she was close I’d probably go all in with her. The connection is that strong between us. Funny thing is we actualy talk about the other people we are talking to. Also day 5 of using anti histamine protocol. Still hot at night but I got 3 hours of straight sleep at one point las night which is rare been feeling bette overall less tired today Isn’t best day to judge as I’m at work 4 hours early
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So update on dating life I canceled date today because I may have found one that I want to pursue as my the only one. As much as I loved my ex and I did. I did have to tone down a little bit of my self. Ok I had to tone down a lot of my sexuality. This one we went from let’s try to not talk sex to I’m not even sure we are going to make to dinner our first date before we fuck. She let me know her drive is high I let her know I have unlimited supply of Viagra so let’s go
Maybe im the problem…id still rather shoot a deer and then do all the work that comes with it,then get laid/or try to.