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Ever confronted someone smashing weights down? / with bad gym etiquette

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During the 80’s and 90’s you had some very talented heavyweights. Well rounded athletes, power and speed.

I think Tyson in his prime was the best of all time personally. He had unbelievable power, insane speed and could move well. D’Amato made that guy into a monster, too bad he passed.
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Once you get into later rounds the heavyweights can be hard to watch! The smallest guys put in a much better performance throughout the duration… typically, there’s always exceptions though…
I used to love it when the UFC back in the early days had the David vs. Goliath matches.
Tyson and Roy Jones Jr might be a fun one to watch!

Can’t wait for hall vs Thor. I’m a big hall fan so I’m hoping he cleans up on the mountain.
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I remember Gracie in those David vs Goliath matches, I think he took on that Canadian who they called the polar bear. Leg kicks till he couldn’t stand then Gracie did what he did best, submission hold like a Python.
I am trying to help the wife do laundry today but I am fucking addicted to Ug today for some reason lol. And no it’s not just trying to get out of laundry
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