There was a C-Fitter at my old gym who insisted on dropping his weight after EVERY rep during deadlifts, and the sad part was, he was only deadlifting 300-350 at the most while doing it. The gym owner went out and bought a nice okie deadlift bar with some natural break in it, not meant to be dropped which will cause damage to the bar. I made a few comments to the guy about how you’re not supposed to be dropping the weight on every rep, even explained to him that in a meet he would be laughed off stage and DQ’d on the lift for dropping it, he told me I was just jealous of the weight he was moving… another time I told him if his grip was too pussy to be holding the weight, he shouldn’t be lifting it, he responded to me with “I never see you deadlift”. Unfortunately this was before my hip replacement, I didn’t even have enough mobility to even get down to the bar, let alone pull it, otherwise I would have put on a show… I fucking hate people who throw weights and drop shit like they’re big bad asses. I get failure, I’ve failed enough to know it happens, but when you’re purposely being an ass clown and potentially breaking equipment it’s sad.