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Ever confronted someone smashing weights down? / with bad gym etiquette

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I’m working on it.
Ha ha nice, I do laundry but refuse to fold, wife does that, I also do most house cleaning,mainly cause my wife’s standards inferior to my level of cleanliness,and it makes me happy when things are clean.
I usually take care of the outside and she does the inside. But work got in the way of keeping up so now am helping cause I feel like a shit head sitting on my ass watching her. Plus I will be earning some extra special kind of sexual goodies. Hahahaha
Not to be bitching, but i hate it when 3-4 teenagers get on a bench or squat rack and tie it for for an hour. Theyll do a few sets then flex and take some pics to put of FB. Another one happened tge other day, a girl (good thing she was hot) was on a leg extention machine close to 30 minutes, doing a set, then texting, another set, then texting some more. Guess i was pissed it wasnt me she was texting!
I try and just ignore people at the gym cause if you let dumb asses get you mad you would stay mad I had a kid prob 18 just last week come and grab my rope extensions while I was doing them so I just grabbed a bar and went to the other side do a set look up and he was on that side he was about a buck 10 with glasses goofie looking I didn’t even say anything to him just young and stupid now the next day they was a guy running around the gym doing sets on like everything at once I was on dips and resting he went over and jumped in which was cool I dont mind Sharing then he camped out on it not to mention he walked around the gym with chest poked out like a banny rooster
Agree with @Bigmurph A good ol head games underrated, nothing like a good old stare down while your girl goes to town on the peppermill til finish time 😂. There are times I just wanna be left alone to decompress after a long day eh? @John.
@Outlawthing I like to switch up gym locations frequently, but the closest gym to my house is a little ghetto but convenient to drive to lol. Probably one of the funniest things at that gym is there’s this mid 40 year old 5”4 Mexican dude that will religiously wear booty shorts and shirts from baby gap and dance in between sets as if he just turned 21 first time getting into the club. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen, il have to post it for you guys one day 😂
Hahahaha. Ya. I’ve been in gyms when working on the road and I see people sitting on a machine for a long time fucking around texting or whatever. But when it’s a hot girl in tight yoga pants or loose shorts my focus isn’t on what she is doing it’s what she is wearing. Again love my wife. But I am a man and I notice sexy women. And ya!! Understood brother!!
Hahaha I do that. I’ll do super sets of like three different things at the same time. But if someone jumps in a spot where I was doing them I just work around it cause I am the one being a hog. And I never do that if there is a lot of people in the gym
Well brother it’s a free country and you can have your way whatever that may be even if I disagree. Just so long as you are happy don’t matter what anyone else’s opinion is. That is why I don’t harass the left. They are Americans too.
Google the song if you want to be happy for the rest of your life never make a pretty women your wife take it from my personal point of view pick an ugly girl to marry you. It’s an oldie. You’ll like it.
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