SB Labs

First order from Platinum

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Neuro said:
Hgh causes my prolactin to spike through the fucking roof at anything above 2iu I’ll be growing boobs in no time and be limp dicked.
I had forgotten that you have that reaction. I’m sensitive to prolactin as well, but haven’t experienced an HGH-related spike. I’ll watch out for that.
I’m going to paraphrase you from several years ago…

This stuff starts out dangerous….
i also like to live dangerously austin powers GIF
It starts dangerous. It’s all dangerous. Nothing is a safe or sure bet. If folks understood the risks for what they actually are, the sprint to add as much size and use as much gear as possible wouldn’t be on the table. But alas, I’ll continue to let people make their choices and slam my head against the wall.
I’m pretty conservative by standards and you’re ultra conservative by standards and I’m super ultra conservative by the standards of what I see folks at my gym use.

I workout at same gym as Derek and used to be Nick there, too, so there’s a huge plethora of younger ones that are all chasing and doing what Derek and Nick does, which is about 4-5 times the amount obviously needed, but hey…To each their own and they do it for a living. I do not!
It’s important to Note, according to data all steroids utilize protein at approximately the same rate. All of them. We have one study that compares them all together and this is the resoundingly clear conclusion. Don’t forget masteron’s original patent is a cattle growth promoter and at recommended doses out performed tren in cattle growth.

There’s oddities here and there for them all that allow us to use them for specific targets.

Ie: masteron is later used to treat breast cancer so we have a higher anti-e affinity.

Primo- also used to treat hormonal cancers, so we can appropriately use it to widen our androgen:estrogen ratio while keeping it in balance. Very high nitrogen retention. Huge immune system support. My anecdotal evidence: you just feel fucking good on primo. It’s a slow steady burn of just adding quality muscle over time. On my year off from the gym I used 280 of test a week. 140 of primo. 140 of mast. I felt amazing. I kept a lot of high quality muscle.

It does seem to affect lipid panel a bit heavier. But Telmisartan should help with lipid skewing.
BBSQ5 said:
I’m super ultra conservative by the standards of what I see folks at my gym use.
This is unfortunately a very true statement. I just personally cannot justify or align myself with not keeping long term health and wellness as the priority. In our line of work we see the old frail and sick consume all our time and energy in healthcare and live miserable lives. Dialysis. Heart failure. Liver failure. Yet we act like when all these numbers are out of range for a 12 week run. Or for big gains in short time like they won’t have long term consequences.


I agree. It’s not my life. Which is why I’ve back off in my approach to people’s choices to run what they want. They are gonna run it if they want to!
Also important to note while we’re talking dosing and primo:

100mg a week saw a 10% increase in muscle
Size after cross sectional analysis of levator ani muscle in mice. If you’re 200lbs and you added 10% of mass. That’s 20 fucking lbs. granted there’s some variation over to humans. But let’s say 300mg gave you a 10% increase? Thats also the dosing we have high quality health studies at on humans. And folks wanna say you need 6-700 mg of primo? Get outta hereeeeee with that noise.
Neuro said:
Dialysis. Heart failure. Liver failure.

Last year I averaged over one month…. Plugging my peers in the ground. Only two face planted without a relatively miserable lead up to death. All the others lingered on for months and years hooked up to one machine or another. Couldn’t stand/walk/bath their self… sad list. These weren’t centerions but ages 50-70.

I’ve coined the statement years ago… “ they died fill in the blank ago… they just now feel down”
Anecdotal observations… most had a common denominator…. Smoking heavy for decades… lots of them consumed high amounts of alcohol for decades with extremely crappy diets.
As far as peds… there’s only one from my mid 20’s that’s still in great shape. He quit the sauce all together at about 30. I’m still in contact with him. There’s every bit of a half dozen or so still in the area that I bump into occasionally that overweight obese slobs with a multitude of surgeries under their belt and medical problems. They abused the ole D&D deca and dbol 40 years ago getting “big”.

I will add not a single one competed in anything except the local “gym hero” award.
Neuro said:
I just personally cannot justify or align myself with not keeping long term health and wellness as the priority.
Your 60 something yo self will thank your current self.

Very smart man.

Of course I’m not knocking anyone else. I do believe in free will.
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