SB Labs

First order from Platinum

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My opinion only… what has worked for me is I’ve always had current baseline labs, then had lab’s when I’m in the middle of something.

With that being said… I get labs at least 4 x a year usually 1-2 x more ad hoc. This will give me an idea of what compounds do what to me. I’m not on much of anything anymore probably never will.
But I will say this though …nobody knows if they have what it takes to compete or will even see if they have what it takes to compete… Unless they push themselves to the limit… With of course getting yourself checked out through a medical professional…
Loooool lol lol Neuro is saying come find me when you’re out of the use everything and the kitchen sink phase, and want to prioritize your long term health. Until then, do you boss man! No need for me to give my 0.02 when you got a plan.
We all need @Neuro to serve as the limiting voice of reason from time to time.

That said, and consistent with Neuro’s approach: each of us is VERY different. What level of sauce @Dirtnasty can take without issue (i.e., without showing negative health markers) is different from what I can take, and what I can take is very different from some others. I know guys who blow up like an estrogen balloon if they move from 250mg of test c per week to 400mg! I can do a gram a week and feel great with no side effects. I suspect Dirtnasty can do 2+ grams.

The idea is up your test until you see a bad health marker, then dial it back a bit until that marker disappears, then monitor. Bad health markers can be obvious (e.g., tits, crying at pictures of puppies on the internet, limp dick, etc.) or revealed solely by testing (liver or kidneys or heart). Ignoring the negative health marker in order to maintain the sauce and strength and fitness level–that’s the bugaboo to avoid.

Just my $.02. But I’m officially an old fuck and hence, allowed to say anything I want. Ha!
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Poppy said:
I’m not on much of anything anymore probably never will.
I’ve recently decided that it’s only test, mast, proviron and HGH for me. Anything else almost immediately has a negative impact on me and is not worth it. And of these compounds, only test is the compound that I from time to time will ramp up. I find that 20mg of mast prop ED, 50mg of proviron ED, and 4iu of HGH ED serves me well regardless of the test level I run, which never really drops below 500mg anymore if I’m honest about it. Right now, I’m at a little over double that test level and loving life. But I have to have labs run in a couple of weeks, so we’ll see what’s up at that point and adjust accordingly.

Oh and I forgot Cialis: 20mg ED. Yep, I like to be hard.
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herrubermensch said:
Just my $.02. But I’m officially an old fuck and hence, allowed to say anything I want.
Blahahaha Blahahaha thats a good one.

Card carrying old bastards unite!!! Only one way to get in that club…. Outlive all the bad choices and youthful indiscretions.
herrubermensch said:
I’ve recently decided that it’s only test, mast, proviron and HGH for me
I genuinely and wholeheartedly believe that hgh is the most overrated compound as a PED.

BUT. as we age it’s one of the single best longevity tools we have. 2iu will serve most folks perfectly. It’s my own very personal opinion that anything more than 2-4 and you’re just shitting dollar bills at that point.

Test, Mast, and GH will keep you strong, lean, healthy- mentally and physically, and happy for DECADES and you will keep seeing progress. I would personally add primo to that list.
Neuro said:
It’s my own very personal opinion that anything more than 2-4 and you’re just shitting dollar bills at that point.
My plan was to go 3… At the same time my knowledge on this ia shit I’ve heard people use daily and I’ve heard people go weekly and take the weekend off so I don’t know
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I think you’re better off taking whatever your body can tolerate daily.

Remember the whole idea of cycling anything comes from a very poorly designed study with very old malnourished men. Then was reinforced by taking toxic compounds or doses and giving your body rest.

Your body doesn’t take days off from making GH, so the idea of taking weekends off comes from ppl taking such high doses that they need weekends off to recover from negative side effects.

Hgh causes my prolactin to spike through the fucking roof at anything above 2iu I’ll be growing boobs in no time and be limp dicked. GH is even more so individualized than most compounds!
I’m trying real hard to stay in my lane appropriately. As such, this is the last thing I’ll say to you.

If you’re going to run this much gear, at least tell me you’ve heard my shouts to the void along the way and are taking Telmisartan and glutathione?
lol I’ve been advocating for the use of the Telmisartan and glutathione for all enhanced athletes for a very long time on here. With the dosages you’re taking the Telmisartan is more important that glutathione.

But 200mg/week approx. supplement with zinc and magnesium if you’re not already.
Why take an ARB? Why Telmisartan? General
[image] Telmisartan is the weakest ARB for hypertension. That’s partly why we want to use it for those without hypertension. It’s also the strongest in terms of the other benefits an ARB brings us, half-life of 20 hours, and give us the benefits in these 4 areas starting at only 10mg daily.


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