SB Labs

First phase of my next training routine

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Ha ha. I been gone a few days and tried to give him his peanut butter and he’s mad n wouldn’t come out his house little asshole
I have my pins for the upcoming cycle medlabgear they done a fine job easy peasy And had exactly what I wanted
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Updated numbers after adding several portioned meals weight staying the same BP same fasted bloodsugar is going up from all the extra food. I have not added any of the pre/post workout simple carbs I am taking 3 iu of hgh pre workout in the morn which is fasted then doing my cardio I’m getting good pumps and noticeable body recomp
Wether it’s this or the food uptake I’m unsure. Not as strong on weights as if I worked out in evening with food in me

Weight 265
Bp 138/ 88. Dbol yesterday
Blood sugar 76

30 min tread mill max incline
Heart rate 120-130

Weight. 265
BP. 139/84
Bloodsugar. 92
265 I may see that weight again soon hopefully just muscle gain though
I miss being big. But I also want to be leAnish. I’m at a stand still right. I’m actually thinking of just trying to maintain 250-255 for 4 weeks then finish cycle cutting down to 240. So when I do deca cycle I can bulk up 30 pounds and be around where I want to end
You want to be big @Dirtnasty cause your so small run some ment like 30mg a day, I’m sure it will get you big ha ha eatin like a motherfucker on it, worked better then EQ for my appetite
Heck y’all wanna be big and I wanna be smaller well more fit. My last goal was to get to 205 I made it and have crept back to here I wouldn’t mind shooting back down to 225 but think I’m gonna be looking more at recomp this go round stay 275 or below
Ha ha nice what did you have? I got to sleep in cause I got a fucking biopsy on my kidneys today, and those horrible people said I can’t fucking eat beforehand ,procedure is at noon, no fucking breakfast no fucking lunch.
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