Hit chest on international day for it…
Still working nights, have lost about 8 lbs in 3 weeks of nights, strength is still up though. I’m really failing at eating, and resting now.
Bloods next week, if all is good I will probably extend to 16 weeks before dropping to TRT dosage.
I’m at 10 weeks now, hit all
My strength goals(bench will make it)
Ohp I wanted 185, most I have done is 160 with dumbells for 5, so I think I’m close.
I Look ok, feel great considering.
I failed the most in the kitchen. Life really slapped me down hard in this time period, emotionally still pretty good, mentally still good. I’m just tired of the struggle at this point, but I just gotta do it.
225 x 10 with paused reps
245x 5 paused reps
265x 5
285x 2
315 x 0.7 ( my closet fail yet, I have it next week for sure)
Ohp dumbells
Single arm tricepS
Spent all weekend womanizing again, I will have to look at this behaviour and adjust to something healthier
Just fucking keep moving forward!