SB Labs

First training cycle at 40

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I literally just checked mine since posting a couple of mins ago. Went online to a site I like… plugged in my numbers for a good visual…downloaded pic… typed all this and uploaded visual.
View attachment 15320
Just ordered this guy

Yeah brother.

I would probably do what @NeuroRN said and start out monitoring several times a day at first. That’ll give you an idea of how your body is operating and under what conditions.

I’m a goober… I’ll check mine before and after a big workout, before/after high octane coffee etc. when I feel great and bad. Sometimes go for a week without checking at all. Usually now it’s no less than twice a week.
Lately it’s badish… missed last donation and I can tell. This Friday I’m giving up some. Been 4 months.
Leg day, felt like hot garbage all day at work, and most of yesterday, could not finish workout, just pouring sweat, and felt not right.

Kinda just overall
Bad mood.

Will drop Proviron, and monitor for a few days. Bloods are not for another few weeks yet. Still getting hard, and no nipple sensitivity.
Maybe, left delt is inflamed still… I have had a largely inflamed location for 2 weeks, that could be a factor, as it’s taxing on the system.

I could be sick, I have minor congestion, that’s pretty regular for me though. The hot flashes I think I had could be fever 😂

Could be any number of things, it’s so hard to guess, due to lack of personal experience.

It’s probably worth mentioning that I probably went up to 625 a week. I switched to every 3rd cause 3/4 would not compute in my brain… so maybe I should adjust test mls down.
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So you’ve had a rough start to your first ever cycle and your decision was to increase the new substance in your body?

Sounds like the opposite would have been the more wise choice. Especially if you are feeling as poor as you say.
Kinda, kinda not. It’s the damn inflammation is the problem, my overall reaction to the test is great… the proviron “appears” to not react well for me, as I feel great today again. Could be all coincidence.

I will perform that experiment At a later date, after I switch esters(hopefully react better to), and have bloods.
Tbgr said:
I have had a largely inflamed location for 2 weeks
Sounds like you’re having a great reaction overall.
Tbgr said:
Could be any number of things, it’s so hard to guess, due to lack of personal experience.
Tbgr said:
due to lack of personal experience.
Most of this log is things not going right. Aches, pains, feeling bad, having to take days off. Your body is trying to tell you something…. You don’t seem to want to listen to it. It’s your cycle, your body, and you’re a big boy so make your choices. I would recommend listening to your body. Good luck.
Push day!

Blood pressure was132/85 after I got home from work

Gym flat bench felt real strong

225x5’s. Rpe 8 shoulda had a few more but no spotter to find out.

Dumbells ohp 60’s x8

Incline barbell bench 175x5


Butter chicken for dins. Weighed and counted
Pull day

Below knee Rack pulls 455 That’s the first time I have moved anything over 405 on a barbell so cool beans.

Low weight everything really concentrating on. Lat activation .

It’s occurred to me it’s most likely the grape seed oil that my body doesn’t like…

Again I will try cyp later this week,So I hope
It’s ester. if it’s carrier I’m just going to suffer I guess 😂
Leg day

Worked up to 315 squat for a double… that again is good for me, made me
Smile . PyramidEd back down for reps. Also first time I used my belt in forever

Ham curls
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Consistently high, averaging around 135-140/85-90. I’m going to star adding some cardio in, and beet root powder. See if it comes down any.

It would of been nice to know my baseline pre cycle, to know if it’s existing or symptomatic.
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