SB Labs

First training cycle at 40

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Late to this discussion, but I will only say that in some instances, I feel much better increasing my test than lowering it. Had this discussion with @Poppy . At 150mg of test cyp each week, I was bloated, had no energy, and ordinary sex drive. At 285 of test cyp each week (same pharmacy), I felt like superman and lost the bloat. Now, as you know, I continue to push that higher, but the upshot is that my fulcrum point is much higher than many others. 100mg of test prop ED and I absolutely love life and kill it in the weight room. It’s very hard not to do that all the time!
Push day On international titty day

Worked up to 245x3 rpe 8.5 felt strong

Overhead pin press 155x3

Incline DB


Phone call interuptus.

Feeling good in the hood.
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End of week 3 204lbs morning weight
Yea I Was thinking the same. need a bit of a recomp though… it’s where I’d like to be In the end dry weight. So I’m going up and coming back down.
I’m in the same boat. I like my weight just need to keep grinding away at the bf. It’s taking a while though cause I don’t wanna lose muscle in the process.
Pull day,

Trap bar dead’s 4 plates don’t know what trap bar weighs 🤷‍♂️ So some like 405-425 depending felt heavy anyway.

Pull downs cable
Cable rows These felt amazing
Shrugs on hammer shrug
Biceps till I was sick of em. Which was quick today probably 100 reps total combined weights

Pushed .8 today left delt. Want be As close to Cycle normal for bloods later.

So we will See if my BP spikeS again tommorow. I’m trying to avoid aromasin until bloods , I’m mighty afraid of crushing my estrogen, and Aromasin is a tough recovery apparently. I don’t really wanna find out.

The.4 right delt Saturday, 0 pip 👍👍👍 so volume helps me, maybe was virgin muscle…

Couple days before left delt is in the clear.
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Just got done with my doctor… blood tests won’t cover estrodial. Still get all the other health markers such is good.

I am frustrated with the Canadian Health care system.

I will post in the Canadian forum asking where other canucks get bloods done aswell.

Oh well time to hit the gym.
Leg day,

I did leg stuff not limited to but including squats
One legged leg press, weighted lunges, bench press(I have a problem my bad), baby cows,

I really have something jaNkey in my squat to work out, I’m stronger than my form right now.

It occurred to me that I am over 1000lB total that’s pretty great for me. That 1215 magic total seems a lot closer today than ever.
Push day, Im having trouble staying on script,

Flat bench worked up to 245
Board press 275 rpe 9.9 ( lifting dumb now)
Ohp 135 x7 rir 0
Incline bench 185 x5 rir 3

It’s time for me to go higher reps for a while, when I’m in the gym I love to
Push heavier, but I’m risking injury now so gotta bAck off.

I feel fantastic though.
Tbgr said:
Im having trouble staying on script,
I worked with a surgeon for a long time, and he always said “if you’re having trouble doing something… just do it.” “If you can’t do it, just do it”

Don’t waste your first cycle Bc your gains are shiny and new. If you’re making progress stick to what was working.
Maybe undulate… break your training up into blocks/waves. That way you’re shooting for mini goals at the end of a 3 week block instead of wide open full tilt boogie til something breaks. I believe you’re training for strength/power…right?
Yeah strength/power, is my goal, 5x5 on my big lifts. I will just reset this block, and start at the bottom again with higher reps. I normally offset my push pull legs, so one is getting heavier as one is resetting.

It’s just an adjustment period of having a big gas tank, so adjustments being made. I feel maybe I have lost a little restraint.

I have upped my 12 step meetings, and service work, as I have noticed my some subtle changes in thinking
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