Geek's Big Guns Recomp


Started doing my meso 3 this week. This is all about the pump. I’ve got really good weights and form this time, so the pumps are amazing. I want to especially sing the praises of barbell face pulls. Holy shit, I think I get the best rear delt contraction I’ve ever gotten from these suckers. Definitely gonna make these a staple going forward for my rear delts!
My rear delts are sore right now and I couldn’t think of why it was leg day and chest yesterday. Just realized with new bar I actually have to pull back shoulders to
Keep back tight instead of just being forced so they are getting work on squats im hitting them with biceps to
Tomorrow will give barbell face pulls a try

Training Log​



Had a rocky week last week but back it hard! These workouts are all super short rest, high reps. Peak week is up next!
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@Poppy Yeh I had a bit of a rebound in my weight. App is putting me back on a diet for a bit to take off the bounce. Shouldn’t take long to get it off, just need to focus on eating well and cut out some of the junk.
I’m downing a honey bun about to order Lantus just I can eat more and gain weight the struggle
Goes both ways like something else round these parts haha
Hi! Finishing up my peak week. I guess I can share last weeks workouts since you really wanna know. 😛


I wanna call out the abs exercises in particular too this meso: I really feel like I get a lot more out of including more variety in my ab movements and using these less challenging movements. The hanging knee raises were not scaling well.

Backing off the weights on my front delt exercises is really helping with the pump. I’m also widening up my pressing width a bit and that seems to help too.

Compliance has been not great and body weight is on a slow upswing. Resolved yesterday to tamp this down actually. Gotta slip back into partial diet mode for a few weeks until things cool down and app raises calories back up.

@Poppy Not much else to report on lately — this last week of the meso is brutal in the gym and I love it. That said, not looking forward to Saturday :confused:

Oh and I talked to coach yesterday and we decided on a maintenance protocol:

1000mg Metformin/day
100mg mast/wk
100mg bold/wk
100mg test/wk
0.2-0.4mL SomaLong/wk

That’s gonna kick in here in about a week and a half when I start my recovery meso. Maintenance will last 13 weeks from there before next blast.
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