SB Labs

Glutathione strikes again. I swear we all need to use this

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Same here but I’m only doing 100mg eod to strengthen up the liver before I start my cycle back up. Will probably do Ed during cycle and double it when I take tbol. I haven’t really seen any recommended dosages for it. So for now, I was going to be a douche and steal your protocol and see what labs say and adjust.
I’ve been giving the wife and I 100mg daily. I know for a fact she’s had covid twice and one day feeling a little crummy and that was it.
There going to take away real Glutathione soon get ready the fda will make it prescription only soon but there are different types of Glutathione on the market that aren’t really straight Glutathione.

Dietary supplement companies are really sketchy and alot are pushing a new form of Glutathione so everyone when buying make sure that no proprietary blend nonsense you want it to say Glutathione and nothing else as the main ingredient.
I noticed that multiple forms of Glutathione are being offered now I believe 100% because they know that the FDA is going to make it prescription only because the pharma companies want control of this compound.
Very well I believe that this compound is amazing and I had zero side effects in my experience except for the positive side effects of my cholesterol and liver going back into range after a cycle faster than ever and it was a rough cycle orals tbol Anavar and proviron over around 8 months I believe so it worked really well
I think it’s an absolute must. Metformin decreases b12. It’s actually one of the leading causes of low b12 levels. Glutathione stops the oxidizing and damaging of b12.

Glutathione plays an incredibly powerful role in almost every single cellular process, but environmental factors have levels dropping like crazy. There are plenty of doctors that think low glutathione plays a roll in almost every single chronic disease. Which is why I say- we all need to be on this.
Also just saw an article I gottta see if I can find it but maybe @NeuroRN can confirm. It was/maybe still was standard operating procedure to give patients with acetaminophen overdose/poisoning NAC to combat effects on liver.
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