When you look in the mailbox and find something better than a paycheck! We had a lil delay on it but it has arrived! Paramexer came through like always.
Well front loaded 200 mg DHB 600 decca 650 test.
I was nervous about the DHB since all you hear is how painful the pip is. But I barely felt anything at most a slight tingle but you could feel every drop make it’s way through the muscle.
What would y’all recommend I get bloods 5 or 6 weeks in. I’m guessing you should let the compounds fully yield before bloods? This part of it I’m new to. If any of you smart gentleman will help me out maybe I could get you a good ole reach around lol
5-6wks in is usually half way through and you can monitor e2, progesterone and total and free testosterone.
It helps with deciding dose and if you should even begin an AI or a dopamine intag to deal with out of range tests also to see if you should donate blood.
You get even more information about cholesterol and everything else its a good idea to get done for health
Make sure you are taking 81mg aspirin every day as well. This will help keep your levels down also. Anyone on AAS should have this part of their regiment EVERYDAY on or off cycle or blast… it’s another feel good and keep the blood from getting too thick.
Thin blood does in mine to literally I have a hereditary blood disorder mine hardly ever gets above 14. Last time a gave blood i barely made the cutoff for being to thin I still give blood every 56 days
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