SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Get any of the Black top Meditropes yet? They are the only ones I’ve tried, looking to get a few more here this month. I was reading up at the beginning of your post where you were talking about all your bumps and bruises that you have all over your body from wear and tear and getting banged up… You need to add in BPC157 to your Arsenal and see how you feel after a month. That shit works miracles I was blown away at how all mine went away so fast and hasn’t returned so far!
I’m on the black tops now. I just ordered 4 more kits yesterday. I love them! They heal me so much faster! I used to use BPC-157 religiously when I repped peptide companies. It’s a miracle peptide!
I stopped the orals today. Going to take a little break. Today, upon waking, I took 2iu HGH, 55mg test prop, 35mg NPP, 20mg masteron prop, and 20mg Cialis. I trained back/lats and cardio.
  • 7 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets standing band rows
  • 4 sets seated band rows
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip standing band rows
  • 4 sets seated one arm pulldowns
I then took 3ius HGH, followed by
CARDIO: 30 minutes on the bike
Today is an off day from weights. I’ll do cardio on the bike later this afternoon when I get home from visiting my mom at the hospital. I’m going to try to get some London broil deli meat if it’s in stock. It’s usually sold out. London broil is very lean when fully trimmed. If they have it I’ll make 1/3Lb London broil sandwiches on Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast with spicy and regular mustard and a tomato.
I didn’t make it to the grocery store so I just ate 10 egg whites with salsa and 7 rice cakes. I popped another Cialis. Today is an off day but I’m going to train chest for my mental well being. I need to relieve this stress. I’ll just wing the entire workout. Go with the flow. Be like water like Bruce Lee says. Haha 😀
I’m getting a real good chest pump!

I guess the 40mg Cialis is doing it’s job:
Yeah. Real good pump, I wish I had someone to take a pic. When I’m not holding the phone the inner chest was striated all the way up.
Today, I did all giant sets for biceps and triceps. I trained fast and got a sweet pump!
I did the following exercises in no particular order.
  • 4 sets dumbbell hammer curls
  • 4 sets one arm standing band curls
  • 4 sets alternating dumbbell curls
  • 4 sets one arm reverse band curls
  • 4 sets barbell drag curls
  • 4 sets dumbbell swing curls bringing them close to my stomach with a hammer grip and torquing them outward on the way up
  • 4 sets dumbbell kick backs
  • 4 sets one arm reverse pushdowns
  • 4 sets one arm overhand grip pushdowns
  • 4 sets one arm hammer grip pushdowns
  • 4 sets barbell skull crushers
  • 4 sets narrow grip barbell presses
  • 4 sets reverse grip barbell presses
  • 4 sets one arm lying dumbbell extensions
  • 4 sets rope pushdowns torquing wrists outward at the bottom
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I just had a real good shoulder workout!!! I literally doubled my weight on dumbbell lateral raises. On upright rows I went up by 33%. On front dumbbell raises I went to by 33%.
  • 4 giant sets of:
    A. bent dumbbell lateral raises,
    B. dumbbell shrugs straight up,
    C. rotating backwards, and
    D. rotating forwards,
    E. rear band laterals hands facing each other,
    F. face pulls,
    G. rear band laterals hands hammer grip.
  • 3 supersets of dumbbell lateral raises and band lateral raises.
  • 4 supersets of upright barbell rows and upright band rows.
  • 3 giant sets of:
    A. front dumbbell raises palms down,
    B. front dumbbell raises hammer grip.
    C. front band raises palms down,
    D. front band raises hammer grip.
Guys, I’ve only had one cheat meal in 9 weeks. I’ll probably pay the price tomorrow but I’m going to get a pizza, Doritos, skittles, and cinnamon twists. The good news is I actually can taste things today. I’ve had very little sense of taste since having Covid early on this year for 5 weeks. So far today I’ve only had 3 protein shakes and they taste delicious so I think I’ll enjoy the chest meal. Tomorrow it’s back on the diet and it’s leg day. 🏋️‍♂️
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I just did legs and rode the bike. All the glycogen from yesterday’s cheat meal allowed me to get more reps per set. I fasted 18 hours after yesterday’s cheat meal and I slept 13 hours, although, I got up to pee and to get water a dozen times. I drank 68 ounces of water throughout the night due to all the sodium in the cheat meal.
I did my usual 6 dumbbell squats/dead lifts for legs with feet shoulder width apart followed by wide stance followed by narrow stand followed by standing dumbbell calf raises followed by a few more squats/dead lifts. Then I put the dumbbells down and did single leg calf raises and both legs at the same time calf raises. I got 22 reps for squat dead lifts on 4 sets but dropped reps on the last 2 sets.
I did 30 minutes on the bike at level 11 for 10 minutes and level 12 for 20 minutes.