SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

With shakes I go 2 hours. After a food meal I go 2 1/2 to 3 hours, unless I’m hungry. If I’m hungry then I go 2 hour after a meal. But my egg whites and rice cakes meal typically fills me up on the bulk fiber. I just make sure I get at least 6 total shakes/meals. Yesterday I had 7 because my food meal was only steak and vegetables which I feel would flatten me out since the carbs only came from veggies. A few months ago I was only having 5 shakes/meals but as my diet goes on I like to up the protein and the calories so my metabolism doesn’t slow down. This allows me to fill back out as well. Once your body gets in the zone for fat loss you can up the meals slightly and keep making progress. From a science perspective I think doing 3 days lower carbs, followed by a medium carb day, then a higher carb day, would most likely give the best results and keep your body from catching on and stagnating in fat loss. But knowing this, I still have never done a preplanned diet of carb cycling. I tend to stay away from regiment, and follow my instinct as each day comes. The same goes with my daily drug protocol. Some days I think, fuck it, I want to pop a bunch of orals today, dbol, tbol, and anavar, so I get a real good workout. Or I may say, I’m feel like doubling my tren dose today. Other days I may feel less than spectacular and just skip my AAS shot and decide to drop orals for a couple weeks all together. I think we have an inherent protective mechanism in our DNA that allows us to sense what we should do. It’s why you and I have evolved and not died out. Maybe I’m just bat shit crazy though? Haha 🦇 :poop: 😜
  • 8 sets of push-ups with feet elevated 3 feet, feet elevated 2 feet, feet on the ground, hands semi-narrow, hands shoulder width apart, hands wide.
  • 8 sets of double band flies pushing downward for lower/inner pecs, middle position for middle/inner pecs, and up high for upper/inner pecs.
I’m so tired and achy without my HGH. Maybe because I’m old it actually does what it’s supposed to do for me? I never sleep more than minutes at a time so I doubt I ever get stage 3 sleep. I don’t like doctors so I won’t do the sleep study necessary to get a prescription for a CPAP. Everyone says HGH makes them super tired and achy joints. Probably because they don’t need it. It really helps my arthritis and energy.
I just got home from the out of state trip yesterday. I took HGH 3 times and this morning I no longer ache all over which is a great feeling. I also decided to up my tren ace and masteron prop to 20mg daily, keep the NPP at 30mg daily, and lower the test prop to 40mg daily. The reason I lowered the test is because only 1.1 ccs fit in the slin pin so something had to be lowered. 😀
Today is arm day! 💪
Today I did BICEPS and TRICEPS:

I did all supersets and giant sets.

1st Round:
  • 3 sets of band curls supersetted with lying one arm dumbbell extensions
2nd Round:
  • 3 sets of alternating dumbbell curls supersetted with single arm reverse grip pushdowns supersetted with single arm overhand grip pushdowns supersetted with hammer grip pushdowns
3rd Round:
  • 3 sets of dumbbell Hammer curls supersetted with dumbbell kick backs
4th Round:
  • 3 sets of standing barbell drag curls supersetted with single arm reverse band curls supersetted with barbell skull crushers supersetted with narrow grip bench press

I increased tren ace and masteron prop from 10mg each daily to 20mg each daily, and I lowered test prop from 60mg daily to 40mg daily. NPP is still 30mg daily and HGH is still 7ius daily.


I’m upping the meals/shakes from 6 to 7 daily. The longer I diet the more I gradually increase food, which if done properly, will continue to bring my body fat down and my muscle fullness and size up. It’s been close to 11 months on this diet and everything is really looking great!
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I was asked this in another forum:

“Serious question for you man - do you really enjoy the way you eat? Or is it purely to reach your goal?”

Believe or not I really enjoy this diet a lot. In the past I had almost all diets devoid of dietary fats. My good friend told me for years I would do better to add healthy fats. I never listened because I know everything. Haha 😀. But this time I decided to give it a try, and it’s so easy. The fats satiate me so I not only don’t crave anything, the thought of cheat food pisses me off. My last cheat meal 16 days ago honestly wasn’t that enjoyable even though it was a very upscale Italian restaurant. Plus, it literally took me 7 days to get back to looking like I did prior to the cheat meal. Fuck that!!! The truth is I don’t have a very good sense of taste at all so I don’t get the enjoyment out of food that most people get. Perhaps it’s because I had Covid twice? But, I absolutely love my syntha-6 EDGE shakes with raw old fashioned oats and freezing cold water. They taste like heaven for me! They have 8 grams of fat from sesame oil, and I add 2 grams of MCT oil and 2 grams of fish oil from capsules, which kills any cravings. One thing I notice is I do increase the shakes and meals over time when I diet. I started with only 5 meals/shakes a day. I’m now up to 7. As time goes by that could increase. My metabolism is a blast furnace now so it just increases the results I get. 👍
Here is my only food meal for today.
The rest of the day will be 5 or 6 protein/oat shakes.
This is 10 microwaved egg whites, chopped raw lettuce, watered down salsa, and 7 rice cakes.
Total Calories: 570
This morning I got up and took 2ius HGH and my shot of 20mg tren ace, 20mg masteron prop, 30mg NPP, 40mg test prop, and 20mg Cialis.

I had a protein/oat shake and all my supps 45 minutes later. Then I worked out.

Today was DELTS and TRAPS:

I did all supersets and giant sets.

1st Round:
  • 3 sets of lateral dumbbell raises supersetted with band lateral raises.
2nd Round:
  • 3 sets of front dumbbell raises palms down supersetted with front dumbbell raises hammer grip supersetted with band raises palms down supersetted with band raises hammer grip.
3rd Round:
  • 3 sets of bent over rear dumbbell lateral raises supersetted with dumbbell shrugs and rotational dumbbell shrugs supersetted with band rear delt movement hammer grip supersetted with band face pulls supersetted with band rear delt movement neutral grip.
4th Round:
  • 3 sets of upright rows with a barbell supersetted with band upright rows.
IMMEDIATELY POST WORKOUT I took 2ius more HGH. 30 minutes later I had another protein/oat shake.

I cooked my two food meals which are chopped boiled chicken breasts with basmati rice. I feel like having another protein/oat shake for meal #3. Then, the two food meals, and two more protein/oat shakes.
You my friend, are a misnomer in the world of diet then. You don’t enjoy good, which surprises me with how disciplined you are on everything else. I could totally see you whipping up a full week’s worth of tasty meals that are macro & calorie on point, versus living on shakes etc.!
Today I was supposed to take an off day but sometimes I need to workout for my mind more than my body. I decided to pop 50mg tbol, 50mg anavar, and a whopping 30mg Cialis. I took HGH before and after the workout. Talk about a god-like pump!!!
I did all supersets and giant sets of chest and back even though I just did both on the weekend.
  • 6 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets barbell pullovers
  • 4 sets push-ups
  • 3 sets feet elevated push-ups
  • 3 sets band rows standing
  • 3 sets band rows seated
  • 3 sets band pulldowns
  • 3 sets band flies
    This is my setup for doing band flies which feels just like the cable flies machine at the gym 👇