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SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Today is an off day. I’ve had 4 protein/oat shakes and one meal with 10 egg whites with salsa and 2 slices of dry Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast.
I’ll have one more shake and my last meal will be late, so either egg whites and dry toast or a shake.
Can’t believe I missed this thread until now! Congratulations on such an intelligent and dedicated approach. It clearly is doing you well, as you look great.

Your approach to compounds and doses is very close to what I have gravitated to of late, as I explained in another thread. Essentially, I do 40mg of Test Prop ED, 20mg of Cialis (10mg in the AM, 10mg in the PM), 50mg of Proviron (25mg in the AM, 25mg in the PM), 20mg of NPP, and 4-5iu of HGH each night before bed. Throw in Telmisartan, B12, and Glutathione, and I feel pretty damn good! But I’m probably going to throw in 20mg of Mast Prop ED and 20mg of Tren Ace ED to this and see how I feel. I’m really liking the combo and doses, which has surprised the Hell out of me because I’ve always been that guy who needs at least 700mg of Test per week. Maybe age (I’m almost 57) is doing it, I don’t know.

My diet is nowhere near the level of discipline of yours, and as a result, I’m about 12-13% BF most days, though it fluctuates. I love to eat, and if I ate what I wanted, I’d be 250lbs. in a heartbeat, whereas I generally stay under 215 these days.
Today I got up early and took 2ius HGH, 50mg anavar, 50mg turinabol, 20mg Cialis, 50mg testosterone propionate, 30mg nandrolone phenyl propionate, 20mg trenbolone acetate, 10mg masteron propionate. I chewed up the orals and let the powder sit in my mouth for some sublingual absorption. I stayed fasted for an hour to get everything in my system.
Immediately preworkout I had a protein/oat shake, 2 MCT oil capsules, 2 fish oil capsules, 3 taurine capsules, 3 L-arginine tablets, 1 magnesium capsule, 1 multivitamin/mineral/fruit/veggie tablet.
Immediately post workout I took 2ius more HGH. I take a lot of nootropics daily but I’d rather not get into that unless you guys want to hear about them?
I did all supersets and giant sets without any particular order but I did all of the following in 45 minutes while putting ROBOCOP on Amazon Prime to keep me fired up. I am very angry and going through a lot so I’m extremely fired up regardless due to my mom being in the hospital most likely dying. I had to get up early and train hard so I don’t lose it! I fear I could snap sometimes.
4 to 6 sets of all of the following:
  • alternating dumbbell curls
  • Dumbbell hammer curls
  • Barbell drag curls
  • Alternating band curls seated
  • Reverse band curls standing
  • Band curls standing
  • dumbbell kick backs
  • Barbell skull crushers 💀
  • Narrow grip barbell chest press
  • One arm reverse grip pushdowns
  • One arm overhand pushdowns
  • One arm hammer grip pushdowns
  • Rope pushdowns torquing the wrists outward at the bottom
That’s awesome we are on the same path with the same thinking. 👍
Telmisartan didn’t seem to lower my blood pressure but I’m taking 10mg nebivolol at night and it works very well for me. I just found out there is a generic available in the USA so I may stop ordering from India in the future. Although, I just put my order in with alldaychemist in India and they are always a pleasure to deal with.
I rely on tianeptine sodium most of all. Without it I get withdrawals. It helps my depression a lot. Flmodafinil was the only other nootropic I needed but it’s impossible to get now so I’ve added hydrafinil, Fladrafinil, Sunifirim, and a blend of stimulants in a capsule called Methyl Blue. I didn’t use adrenal gland’s stimulants for years because it negatively impacts my blood pressure. I recently added Methyl Blue at only 1 capsule. The recommended dose is 4-6 capsules. If I only take one in the morning I get a lot of sustained energy and very little rise in blood pressure. Lately I’ve taken one cap twice a day due to family stress and the need for energy on poor sleep. My bp was high last night at 165/97. I took 10mg nebivolol (3rd generation beta blocker) which brought it down to 143/91.
Today I did 6 sets of dumbbell squats squatting with back upright 1/3 to 1/2 of the movement down, depending on the foot stance and level of exhaustion, then dead lifting the final portion of the movement and touching the dumbbells to the ground. I did the exact reverse on the way back up. Each set had 6-8 reps with feet shoulder width apart, followed by wide stance for 4-5 reps, followed by narrow stance for 3-5 reps, then a couple more reps shoulder width stance. Without dropping the dumbbells I did standing calf raises, 6-12 reps, followed by single leg calf raises without the dumbbells for 5-8 reps, followed by both feet calf raises for 5-8 reps. On my 6th and final set I could barely squat or do calf raises at all. That set was in slow motion.
Post workout was 2ius HGH and a half hour later was a protein/oat shake. 90 minutes later was my first food meal of egg whites and rice with salsa. 👇
Meal #4 was a protein/oat shake.
Meal #5 was 10 egg whites with salsa and 2 slices of Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast. I like my toast burnt. I went to Costco and bought 18 cartons of egg whites so it’s all egg whites and shakes until I go to the store again. 😀
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I’m driven by anger lately. Cheat meals just set me back which pisses me off. I used to justify a cheat meal by saying it spiked my metabolism. But it always took several days to a full week before I looked as good as before the cheat meal. And since I have very little sense of taste or smell lately it just doesn’t give me much pleasure to eat in general.
Today, I took 2ius HGH at 7am, and again at 10am, all while fasted. I took anavar , turinabol, Cialis, tren, test, NPP, and masteron at 9am. I had my first protein/oat shake and my supplements at 10:30am then did an all superset and giant sets workout for delts and traps.


1st Round:
  • 3 sets of lateral dumbbell raises supersetted with band lateral raises.
2nd Round:
  • 3 sets of upright rows with a barbell supersetted with band upright rows.
3rd Round:
  • 3 sets of bent over rear dumbbell lateral raises supersetted with dumbbell shrugs and rotational dumbbell shrugs supersetted with band rear delt movement hammer grip supersetted with band face pulls supersetted with band rear delt movement neutral grip.
4th Round:
  • 3 sets of front dumbbell raises palms down supersetted with front dumbbell raises hammer grip supersetted with band raises palms down supersetted with band raises hammer grip.
Immediately post workout I took 3ius HGH, so 7ius so far. I’ll have another 2ius before bed totaling 9ius HGH today for shits and giggles, as the British say.

I’ve only had 3 protein/oat shakes so far today.

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