SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Dinner was 1/2Lb 99/1 extra lean ground turkey breast pressed into a patty on 2 slices of Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast, a tomato and mustard.
I cut my nebivolol(3rd generation beta blocker)10mg blood pressure pill in half. Adding cardio has my blood pressure lower so I’ll see if 5mg is sufficient.
09/06/2022: Two nights ago I decided to start tapering down my beta blocker (nebivolol) since it’s impossible to get my heart rate over 100 bpm during cardio. I cut the dose from 10mg to 5mg. I only started the nebivolol for anxiety relief from the tren. I dropped tren last week and the anxiety is gone. Yesterday, I felt terrible all day and had diarrhea throughout the night. I’ll taper the nebivolol slowly over around 2 weeks so my heart doesn’t have issues.
I just trained legs and rode the bike which wasn’t easy since I’m still not feeling spectacular. It was a good workout regardless.
Today, I did 6 sets of dumbbell squats squatting with back upright 1/3 to 1/2 of the movement down, depending on the foot stance and level of exhaustion, then dead lifting the final portion of the movement and touching the dumbbells to the ground. I did the exact reverse on the way back up. Each set had 6-8 reps with feet shoulder width apart, followed by wide stance for 3-4 reps, followed by narrow stance for 3 reps, followed by 10 reps of standing dumbbell calf raises, followed by 3-4 more reps of deadlift/squats. Then single leg calf raises without the dumbbells for 6-8 reps, followed by both feet calf raises for 8-10 reps.
After legs I took 4ius HGH and did 20 minutes on the bike. After the bike I had my 2nd protein/oat shake.
I just finished my second cardio session of the day. I did 40 minutes on the bike. I’m glad I lowered the nebivolol in half. I was able to get my heart rate up to 108. I’ll taper down for two weeks then stop. I see better definition today which is great! The nebivolol was causing bloat which smoothed out my abs.
I had 4 protein/oat shakes and one food meal of 10 egg whites with salsa and 2 slices of Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast. My next meal is 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast and 2 slices of Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast. I’ll have one more protein/oat shake before bed unless I crash out early.
BACK and cardio:
  • 6 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets one arm band rows regular grip
  • 4 sets one arm band rows underhand grip
  • 4 sets narrow grip band pulldowns
  • 4 sets standing band rows supersetted with 4 sets seated band rows
After back I took 3ius HGH then did 20 minutes of cardio on the bike.
Today, I look very tight and shredded!
An hour and a half before back I took 50mg anavar, 50mg turinabol, and 20mg Cialis.
My AAS shot was 60mg test prop, 35mg NPP, and 15mg masteron prop.
Here’s my dinner. It’s 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast 99/1, 2 slices of Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast, a slice of tomato, spicy mustard and regular mustard.
My other food meal was 10 egg whites with salsa and 7 rice cakes(white cheddar cheese flavor).
I also had 4 protein/oat shakes.
I’m shocked! My bp has been bad lately. Last night it was 153/97. I took orals this morning too which I thought would kick bp up. I’ll take it though. Thumbs up 👍
Today, I just did 30 minutes on the bike. My delts were popping so I decided to hold off on chest until tomorrow. After tearing my labrum last year my left delt has a bone that sticks up about 1/2 inch. I’m guessing the ligaments that hold it in place got stretched from all the reoccurring partial rotator cuff and labrum tears. I don’t like to train on days it’s popping and cracking.
So far for food I’ve had 3 protein/oat shakes, and two meals, one with 10 egg whites and salsa plus 7 rice cakes. And one with 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast with 3 slices dry Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast, a tomato, and spicy and regular mustard. I’ll have another protein/oat shake when I get home.
Today was chest day. I’ve had 3 protein/oat shakes so far. I didn’t do cardio yet. I’ll hit it later most likely.
Instead of only taking my anavar and tbol occasionally, I took 50mg anavar and 50mg turinabol 4 days in a row. I look real good today. Not sure if it’s from that or the luck of how I’m retaining water today, but everything looks round and detailed. I’m starting to run out of anavar. It’s hard for me to stop a compound when I’m getting real good results but I need to be smart and take a break from orals after I’m out, at least a month. No joke, I said I’d never do winstrol again due to injuries but I’m super tempted to test fate. 😈 Hell, I said I wouldn’t do tren again but I did a few weeks of it. I stopped the tren a week or so ago and my anxiety is gone, thank God! Tren does amazing things but is harsh on mentally unstable folks like yours truly. 😀
I did all supersets, mixing it up on exercise order throughout to keep the body guessing.
  • 6 sets of barbell pullovers
  • 3 sets of standing band flies with hands going low for lower/inner pecs
  • 3 sets of standing band flies with hands going straight out for middle/inner pecs
  • 3 sets dumbbell flies
  • 3 sets push-ups with hands down low and inside simulating a narrow grip press
  • 4 sets weighted push-ups with feet elevated and hands wide for upper/outer pecs. I removed the weight and did them unweighted as a drop set for each.
We used to have a triangle for those that we would do at end of workout then you put belt under person for last set and help after failure. Not tell the guy when they were done and drop them on the the piece of metal. Guys are dicks
Damn! I blew my tricep out by doing dumbbells touching with palms facing each other while doing chest press and touching my pecs. On the narrow push-ups I’m only a little more narrow than shoulder width, nothing radical.
This evening I took my final shot of HGH for the day then rode the bike for 30 minutes.
I only had one food meal which was 10 egg whites and 3 slices of dry Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast. I also had 5 protein/oat shakes.


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