SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

LUNCH(tasted like shit!)
I did all giant sets and supersets. I did 3-5 sets of the following exercises.
  • single arm reverse grip pushdowns
  • single arm overhand grip pushdowns
  • single arm hammer grip pushdowns
  • rope pushdowns torquing wrists outward at bottom
  • dumbbell kick backs
  • single arm lying dumbbell extensions
  • barbell skull crushers
  • narrow grip barbell press
  • reverse grip barbell press
  • double arm band curls
  • single arm band curls
  • alternating dumbbell curls
  • single arm reverse grip band curls
  • barbell drag curls
  • dumbbell hammer curls
I took 2ius HGH upon waking and another 3ius HGH post workout.
The pump was incredible from the 50mg anavar, 50mg turinabol, and 20mg Cialis I took upon waking which was 90 minutes preworkout.
I can only do 45Lbs and my elbows are swollen all the time so I go super slow and pray with each rep nothing pops. 😀
I just did 50 minutes of cardio on the bike. Night time cardio helps relieve my anxiety. I’m grateful for winning the auction on this bike.
Oh man! I love it! I was so happy my knee didn’t hurt, which is weird, because my clumsy ass banged my knee real hard on the bathroom sink twice earlier yesterday and it hurt to stand. I swear sometimes smashing stuff is the key to fixing it. 😂
I did delts and traps this morning. It went real well. I took 2ius HGH upon waking and 4 1/2ius immediately post workout. The workout was all giant sets and supersets for each area of the shoulder.

  • 4 sets bent dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets rear delt band lateral raises palms inward grip
  • 4 sets band face pulls
  • 4 sets rear delt band lateral raises hammer grip
    TRAPS(still part of GIANT SET #1:
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs straight up and down
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs rear rotation
  • 4 sets dumbbell shrugs forward rotation
  • 4 sets standing dumbbell lateral raises
  • 4 sets band lateral raises
    SUPERSET #3:
  • 4 sets barbell upright rows
  • 4 sets band upright rows
    GIANT SET #4:
  • 4 sets dumbbell front raises palms down
  • 4 sets dumbbell front raises hammer grip
  • 4 sets band front raises palms down
  • 4 sets band front raises hammer grip
Today, I’ve had 2 protein/oat shakes and one meal of 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast with 3 slices dry toast(Dave’s 21 seed/grain), a slice of tomato and spicy/regular mustard.
I’ll have 2-3 more protein/oat shakes, and for dinner a dry baked potato with 2 small chicken breasts and a salad(no dressing).

I did 6 sets of dumbbell squats squatting with back upright 1/3 to 1/2 of the movement down, depending on the foot stance and level of exhaustion, then dead lifting the final portion of the movement and touching the dumbbells to the ground. I did the exact reverse on the way back up. Each set had 10 reps with feet shoulder width apart, followed by wide stance for 4 reps, followed by narrow stance for 2 reps, followed by 10 reps of standing dumbbell calf raises, followed by 2 more reps of deadlift/squats. Then, single leg calf raises without the dumbbells for 6-8 reps, followed by both feet calf raises for 8-10 reps.

CARDIO: After legs I did 20 minutes on the bike.