SB Labs

Low Libido on EQ and Mast E


So, I’m 4 weeks into an EQ, Mast E, and Test cycle. I’ve never read about these causing any type of ED, but my sex drive has all but diminished. I’m running 1000mg EQ, 300mg Mast, and 400mg Test weekly. I just today bumped up the test to 250, so it will be 500 mg weekly now. Anybody know what’s going on??
Eq is actually pretty notorious for killing libido. When I’m on EQ I don’t crave sex all the time, I could take it or leave it, it’s actually a nice little break for me and the old lady lol. But when it’s go time my soldier will stand right at attention. It’s not like running 19nor or having unbalanced estrogen and having limp dick. Bringing your test up should help with a little more sex drive.
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Need blood work. Might be a couple things high estrogen maybe? Caber or Adex is my go to. But you can make it worse if you crash you estrogen too. So my guess is high E. Just a guess.
Seems like those test and eq numbers should be reversed… What’s the reasoning for the cycle amounts?
Blood work
Last time I saw a post like this the eq was testosterone.
Raising your testosterone might help but bloodwork will definitely solve the issue.
Good luck and good gains brother
I’m actually due for blood work tomorrow, my doc is gonna kill me for having test this high though. I may wait a week to test and skip the testosterone until then
Idk if that’s a good idea not dosing your test, that could really throw things outta whack. As far as your sexdrive that’s a definite sign of good EQ, for me at least. If sexdrive is that important to you I would drop the EQ, up your test, and restart the mast in 2-3 weeks. Also try not to go crazy with your AI if using any, a little higher estrogen level is better for sex drive rather then a lower estrogen level.
My first thought when I read the topic of convo is that your test might be all together bunk… maybe get bloods, see what your T levels are at, but if your running your EQ at a gram you should have your test at least 600+. Youre obviously not cutting too much weight at those doses so up your test if you’re gonna run those but in all honesty brotha, less is more. plus if you’re over doing it on the AI crashed estro is notorious for crashing libido. EQ is mild enough of an injectable where 1g shouldn’t be an issue, but in all honesty it’s a lot of oil to be putting in your body. 7-800 would do just the same and save you a few bucks and mls of injection. Just my 2 cents
For AI, I’ve been sticking to .5 mg of armidex twice weekly. I’ll be doing bloodwork next week so I’ll be able to see where my estradiol level is. I thought about that as I was typing it, about not dosing the test. I’ll probably just bite the bullet when my doc brings it up.
Why is eq so high??? Highest you should run eq is 600mg anything higher is a waste and only 3 weeks on eq isn’t even kicking in yet. Get blood work and change your cycle up. Take cialis or viagra it will help.
He ignored the question on why about this cycle lol. It’s a shitty cycle with no reasoning I can see for these numbers. But hey, 20+ years of cycles and shit what do I know? 😑🤔
Lol I noticed this. And I’m sorry I’ve never ever heard of eq causing low libido or ED. I truly believe people make shit up. But hey I’ve been doing this 20 plus years also and I’m a top national level competitor what do I know lol
Listen I didn’t ignore it for any reason, I Run cycles based on research that I do, and most of that is on this board. I don’t know much about this and I’m fairly new to AAS. I wouldn’t bring questions up on here if I didn’t want your advice. I’m running the EQ at that dose because I’ve read and seen on this board that 600 is a low dose, and wouldn’t produce results. @PHD said over 600 is a waste, I’ve read on here that under 800 is a waste. I definitely appreciate the advice from all of you, but there’s also a lot of conflicting opinions. So, why these numbers? I don’t have an answer other than I researched it, and I’m trying it. That’s it
Just because you see it here doesn’t make it the gospel bro. There’s a lot of people here that spew bro science all day long. I’ve never ran eq over 600mg a week and would never go above that it’s just a waste. I’ve been doing this a long time and not saying I know it all but I know a lot. I learned from old school bodybuilders and I learned from doing it myself.

What is your reasoning for 1000mg eq? And low test?