SB Labs

My log. As of 3-19-2021 Xpliot

Yeah ever since I actually started doing them and doing then every other day it’s helped a lot! I just didn’t have a good core I guess lol it takes a lot to get that connection and feel them but it’s getting better as time goes. They really only show like that after I do abs exercises lol
Thanks @Poppy! And I def am going too! I agree with I have to start somewhere and I love doing this and learning! And I’ll always put In the work. The guidance is all I need :muscle:t3: I’m glad I started this log man it’s crazy to see the growth
I took a break for about 6 weeks now I’m. On another cut. Sitting at 198lbs macros are 40%c 40%p and 20%f eating 2000 calories a day seems to be working and I don’t feel like I’m starving to death anymore
Great! When you start to feel like that, that usually means it’s time for a 1-2 week diet break. Glad to hear you’re back on track. You’ve got an amazing physique!
Thanks man it’s taken over a year over struggle to get here lol and I’m still not even close to what I want to look like. Hopefully this cut I will get more ab definition
Yeah fell off the last week cause of some shit and bad shoulders. I go to doctor tomorrow to get them looked at. Then once I get paid this week I’m going to start up with @Kad1 as my trainer and lose this ten pounds or so before November! Just need help and with working around my shoulder issues
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