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My New training log !!!!! Says I need a longer title

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Out of the 2 it is the easiest. Getting lean can suck but it’s not complicated and it doesn’t take a great deal of knowledge or time and it is way more simple and less work than packing on muscle. Anyone can lose weight, provided they’re in a caloric deficit this is guaranteed. On the other hand not anyone can build a big muscular physique.
They both take effort but one requires actual planning and years of consistency. The other requires a few months and figuring out the most consistent way for you stay in a deficit. I think the hard part for people getting lean is will power and all the bad complicated information out there that makes it seem impossible or intimidating.
I’ve helped tons of people for free lose weight and get in shape. I always start the same way. For the first 2 weeks continue to eat the same food you normally would. Make a plate or whatever with the same amount of food but put about half back or throw about half away. Then I’ll after u2 weeks I’ll add in 5minute walks3-4x a week. I’ll add 5minutes every 1-2 weeks. On week 3-4 I’ll get them to start tracking everything then build from there. It’s simple and easy.
Any one who thinks they have to suffer to lose weight is highly misguided.
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Good and easy day today. Weights and/or reps up.

Shoulders arms

Db lat raise 35x6,30x12,25x16

Hammer curl 50x6,40x12,30x18

Dips 3rp 32,14,9

Quantum seated calf 220x13,7,8
Let me clarify something because a lot can get lost in translation in words on a screen because there’s no tone or body language.
I don’t mean easy as in effortless. Yes losing weight or fat requires effort for some a hell of a lot more than others, but I do mean for the majority of people it is absolutely easier than building a big muscular physique. I do understand eating disorders exist and I’m not discounting that either. I stand by the fact that it is incredibly simple. It is not one ounce of complicated. A lot of people fail because they diet too fast and too hard and go on some form of unsustainable restrictive eating. When you tell someone they can’t have something they want it more. A lot of people fail because they aren’t taught to truly listen to their bodies. I help people for free because I have a ton of compassion and there’s so much bs information to wade through. When I tell somebody there’s no bad food and nothing is off limits when I start helping them it’s like I’m speaking a foreign language.
It’s beyond basic and works every single time as long as they stick to it. It always comes down to figuring out their calories, subtracting about 1-1.5g of protein per lb and then filling the rest with whatever foods they want. As calories lower the diet always gets “cleaner” because they want to be able to eat more volumes of food.
Their fat cause they over eat,well I’m lean,and I can pack the calories in,I so what is is then??,don’t see you mention metabolism or heridertary,what’s your stance on how those affect people,I come from a small family
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Different metabolic rates but it’s still calories in calories out. It’s still thermodynamics. Some people can eat more than others some people are better at partitioning nutrients but nothing changes the fact that weight gain happens in a caloric excess and loss happens in a deficit. There’s no mystery there’s no anomalies. The body doesn’t ever stop burning calories. I don’t need to mention every nuance because the only thing it changes is caloric consumption for the goal. This is over complicating it. There’s no exception to thermodynamics.
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I understand where your comin,at the same time,I just don’t believe I could ever be fat,with the exception that something,physically stop me from being in shape
Well seeing as I’ve never ate that many cals,it could happen,but I would also be living my normal active life style,and lifting 5 x a week,so I doubt it would be turning into fat,I’d be huge,but in a good way.I stopped force feeding myself just to be bigger years ago,I want to enjoy what I’m doin,not be miserable eating just to be big.
RIR0 said:
10-15000 cals a day for a few months
I don’t know what I ate to get from 220 to 240 for performance on the platform…it was a bunch. Working 2nd shift… not uncommon to eat 2 big macs a double quarter pounder with cheese large fries…diet soda pop on the way in. 2 strombolis or calzones mid shift or a whole large pizza.

I was a miserable sob… got strong but I was miserable… afterwards I dropped that weight like a hot potato.
I will add…I was not active putting away the groceries… just enough cardio work to keep me from keeling over and straight up powerlifting. I was the bad example of weight gain.
The amount I’m eating just to Mai gain weight sucks adding veggies even worse hahah. But if the water being available on floor is helping as I can fill on more food the. Drink
Water inbetween breaks
Skinny people always think they eat a lot that’s why they’re skinny. Skinny people have no idea what eating a lot is. If you’ve never been fat you have no idea. Sure metabolisms can speed up a bit as calorie intake increases but most of the time skinny people just eat way less than they think they do.

John you may eat a lot compared to what fat people tell you they’re eating but the problem is fat people are lying about how much they are actually eating. Lol
I notice people are really suprised when you actually get them to track everything for a few days with how much they think they eat vs how much they actually eat.
John also has o account he works a physical job. Like I eat 6500-7000 cals a day to maintain my 295 but if I was doing a desk job I would probably have to cut 2000 off of that.for me to gain weight I have start really force feeding more than I am.
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