Ndelap introduction ugmuscle

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New member
Hi! I’m 33, 147 and 5’4. I’m training with an awesome coach, in a decent deficit and high activity. I need to drop about 10 to get into a reverse before I start my first prep. I’ve been training for 2.5 years and lost overall 65 pounds without help, but these last 5 months I am exhausted and stalled. I’ve reversed before this cut so my endocrine function is well. I am curious how long Anavar stays in the system. We are looking at a spring show but haven’t selected a federation or show yet and I don’t know if I need to be concerned if I do a 6-8 week cycle now
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Steroid detection times in the body to beat drug test Steroid Profiles
If you are subject to anabolic steroid testing, in most all cases, it will be a test that measures your testosterone to epitestosterone levels. In this case, if your testosterone levels are greater than your epitestosterone levels beyond a certain point, you will fail the test. In most athletic circles, the baseline is 6:1 testosterone:epitestosterone; however, there are a few organizations around the world that hold to a 4:1 ratio. In-order to beat such testing, you have two options; ensuring …
These are the normal times for detection but therd always coming up with new technology to test even sooner.
@Ndellap first off very excited to have you here.

I would really like to have blood work if you have if not. Can you please provide your diet and cycle history along with what catagory you will be in. Thank you and look forward ti helping.
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you also need to know the type of testing you may be subjected to, some places only test for a certain compound, some test for basically everything, some random test, and then a few of them do lie detector testing, just some more stuff to consider. welcome to ug btw!!!
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