SB Labs

Need help getting to sleep


Well-known member
Melatonin isn’t cutting it. I’m missing my am training days. I try to go after work but it takes away from my family. Plus all the New Years go getters sitting everywhere. I want my 330am back
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I use to have a horrible time trying to get a good nights rest, tried a few different things, just seemed nothing was working. Finally a good friend of mine who is a physician recommended trazodone. Ive been on it for serval months and it completely changed my sleep. For me usually takes about 45 minutes to kick in, then I’m out. When I wake up I always feel great ready to go. Hope this helps you.
Trazodone is an antidepressant that is also prescribed for insomnia. I was prescribed Mirtazipine (which is also an antidepressant) for the same as youre suffering @Coalhogg
Works wonders my man. Some people are a bit freaked out that they are being prescribed an antidepressant for insomnia but you don’t need to be- used in lower doses than a typical dose for depression they are amazing for getting sleep. And you don’t wake up feeling like shit. If you don’t fancy speaking to a medical professional you can probably get both of these from a few of the sponsors here. Hope to have been a bit of help brother.
Man I’d be really careful with the harder pharmaceutical drugs. I was on Trazodone, Serequil, Welbutrin, Xanax, Ambien and a few others over the years for PTSD and insomnia and they worked but they also made me a flippin zombie 90% of the time. It took me a few years when coming off of them to be able to function like a normal human being again. Melatonin didn’t do shit after awhile and St John’s Wort worked for a but but again eventually stopped working well enough for me. It wasn’t until I started changing habits and building new ones that I finally, somewhat, got control over my sleep.

Things like not drinking water right before bed, not using my phone or watching TV for about 45min to an hour before bed, turn off or cover up all lights in the room, keeping the room cooler. Lastly, but what I found was the biggest relaxation tool was writing down different thoughts like plans, anxieties, things that cause me stress, etc.

Now I still don’t sleep all the way through most nights but I find that I fall asleep faster, I wake up less frequently and when I do wake up I’m able to fall back asleep faster.
Understood. Have you tried chamomile? It worked wonders for me even when I suffered from insomnia. Just make sure it’s actual chamomile and not.some shitty blend.
You know, theres another good point. My wife bought one of those essential oil aroma diffusers and she uses all kinds of smells for all kinds of stuff lol. Running the lavender at night in it helps me fall asleep pretty quick.
It’s been two weeks now. Just tried melatonin I had no problems before I stopped my pm vodka and Sprite Zero. Turned into no sleep. I was on the keto diet and killing it. But my little habit kept me from my goal. The liver will process alcohol before anything else. This will keep you from goals
When on cycle your blood pressure levels will naturally rise because of the compounds you can go to your doctor and get clonidine .01mg this is a really light dose and shit they also have ambien and other medications that work great even like trazodone like @mag1970 said and even antidepressants and there is a list of those just make sure that when you are getting prescribed medication from your doctor that he knows exactly everything you are taking and I mean everything you don’t want him to prescribe something that is going to make you get gyno or have a bad reaction between something else you are taking.

If you want you can always do your research and contact just about every sponsor and get something to help you sleep.

Good luck brother I hope that you get back on schedule
I recently started using cbd oil to help me. It’s really helping. My girl is using it and she’s had a bunch of benifits. Recovery 7 hours solid sleep no more neck pains no more tingling of arms depression is gone mood is better. If anyone is interested my partner with supplements sells it from one of his stores. I can help any one out that wants to try it.
Thank you for being honest. Remeron and trazadone…etc. Are powerful! Theyvand many others didn’t get the best compliance because of lethargy, weight gain. Don’t buy them from anywhere and does yourself, good forbid your taking some other med that interacts. I can go on and on. I’m all for drugs but please treat the bottom underlying cause…work, new mortgage, anything. I’d rather see you take restoril with some counseling than trazadone without.
Agreed, people over do it. So many juice bars offer it in your drums or smoothies, people go buy those after using some when they wake and then again later in the day… kids too. So many benefits but at the rate it’s being abused I see it going down hill.