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New Staff Moderator POPPY our brother is now ugmuscle staff

Just take it one step at time. In this situation specifically cooler heads always prevail. I got divorced smack in the middle of nursing school, so I understand the worry and anxiety better than most. One day. One step. One task. Hell, even one minute at a time. Celebrate the small personal wins, and focus on cultivating a habit of gratitude. My life totally fell to pieces in the span of a year, and I started each day writing 5 things I was grateful for. Then it became a habit to think about those things first. Keep moving forward. No matter how slow.
Man, I probably need to stop that. Looking for a stopgap I guess or just to see whats out there, and confidence wise, being told 'I don’t love you anymore" takes a toll. I hate to admit this, but I may start looking for a divorce support group or something.
I get it man today my ex who was still trying to get me be with her today told me she went on a date this evening. I don’t know if she actually did but for some reason it made me a bit turned on and I wanted to go bang it out. I think it reminded me of going to bars with my gf or date and letting guys buy them drinks all night and then coming in at the end and taking them with me. Like I think I get off on letting dudes think they have a chance and then see them pissed when I just tear it away. Also not having sex since thursday has me friending
Hahaha. Get up at 2 am sometimes when salmon fishing is good from shore. Haha. Feel like shit the rest of the day but it’s worth it.
@DarthSocrates hang in there. If you can afford the lawyer let them duke it out. Some sort of support group would definitely help and I also think you should stay away from dating apps. It definitely sucks and probably will for a while until the lawyers straighten stuff out. Be strong. This too shall pass
Go foreign brother. I found mine on Christian Filipino dot com. And get this she’s Muslim hahahahaha. All Filipinas use that site cause they keep all the garbage out.
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Just don’t lose sight of yourself one day at a time. Get up find a positive and move forward. Damn I was writing but everything sounds cliche’ we are here always with the light on and I will tell you all macho bullshit to the side sometimes talking to somebody that will listen does help whatever you do don’t stop taking care of you, cause you gonna need you one day 🙂
What do mean brother?

I want to be able to join you guys in the morning and then after wife arrives home spend some time together and then log in before sleeping.

Im in a different place so time is off for me right now im adjusting its weird though just like working nights lol
Hey @Poppy so third week in I contacted covid.( Wife and I.)So that killed me for 3 weeks. All good now. Been working hard on diet,training coming along slow going tho. I was 167lbs in feb. I’m now at 175lbs. Joints feeling good.
Test p.
Mast p

Thanks for doing what u do.