SB Labs

Road to Two and Quarter. 1 Goal: Bench Four Plates

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No need to restrict calories if you wanting to push weight don’t eat junk either or mass feeding just enough for a surplus so you grow 8 sets of no more than 3 do you have a problem at top bottom middle of press or where is weak spot
You going to keep this as a log…”road to two and a quarter”?
Yes, I am gonna get that thing. I am just waiting for that gym-day when you know that you know. Most times I am a little sore, cramping and tired. ugh sounds like my wife on her period.
That is an interesting question. One I had never through about until just now! Anyway, after much thought I would say right at the mid-way point coming back up is where I kind of run out of gas. What does that tell you?
Oddly enough the days I’m still
Sore are some of my best days for power I find
You can go back to your first post up top and edit…that’ll let you change the title also…if you want to.

Either way, this is the most interesting part to me…a log of your journey.
Fred said:
mid-way point coming back up is where I kind of run out of gas
This can get very complicated. There’s a lot of science behind lifting.

Alot of powerlifters me included (a long time ago) used the dynamic method to train your cns to fire more efficiently and explosively to maintain bar speed thru lift.
If sticking point is lockout got
To strengthen the tris look up jm press I alternate between those and close grip pin presses eow casue that is my week point I swear I could get 600 off my sheet a few inches hahaha
How many times a week do you train your bench press?

To make it a priority, you could train it twice a week.

Monday would be max effort day sets of 3-5 reps.

Thursday would be dynamic method 8-12 sets of 3. All with sub-maximal weights applying maximum force to bar and moving it as fast as possible. You can add bands or chains for accommodating resistance, this will help your sticking points. Bar speed is paramount.

Just one example of many different templates. That was mine on Tuesday and Friday…helped me get to a 460 lb BP on the platform.
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I used to do that when I was doing ppl ppl program. I’ve been shopping around for new program. As my mix ol and bb program isn’t what I’m going to need going into comps. Works for looking good in summer tbough
I personally liked the westside conjugate. I used it for years both raw and single ply.

For me the dynamic method was the biggest game changer
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Good pumps today! Also did 205 at 5 reps, twice.

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I’m thinking you’re at 225 already. Just pick a day when you’re rested and ready.
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