SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

Update on progress. Weight is same. Only made it to gym two times last week and same this week. Been working away from home and had final inspections on school been working at plus had to haul three trailer loads back home during work week. Tried so hard but would work. Really sucks!!! I did gain five pounds over two weeks on final squat set same on final bench set. Not much else but all the time off made shoulders feel good and lower back. I gained 50 pounds on deadlift final set couldn’t believe how easy my normal weight was after the unintentional rest.
Sometimes you just gotta eat I do the same thing I get up and eat midnight meal I call it lol
If you’re that hungry don’t starve yourself ive had episodes where I felt like if I didn’t eat sugar or carbs I was going to fall out it takes time just don’t push yourself to hard.
Ya I eat a bowl of cereal or something so I can fall asleep. I have incorporated more carbs into my diet early in the day. Has helped. Not gaining any weight either nor loosing any. But feeling good and strong.
I know but it’s hard because all they hard work and pain and I felt like I was loosing for a while there. But it did make a huge gain in my deadlift. Basically my lower back and shoulders recovered very well and let me do bigger weight with deadlift and still have good form. The silver lining brother. Wasn’t expecting that.
Update. So having two weeks with little gym time actually paid off big. Wasn’t my choice but when I started on my normal weight for deadlifts it was way too easy. I upped my final set by 50 pounds. WTF!!! Wasn’t expecting that. Since I started my cycle two months ago my bench has gone up 90 pounds. (Mostly because my shoulder has recovered nicely). My squat and deadlift both have increased 70 pounds. My old hip injury is gone. Completely gone. It’s not like I notice a little something like an old injury. It feels like I never had an injury at all. I never expected that to happen. Big shout out to @Optumpharma for giving me the cocktail of gear needed to heal me up. So I’m next eight weeks I want to increase deadlifts by 75 squat by 75 and bench by 50. I also am having a hell of a time getting rid of my muffin top. Fucking hate it. Getting smaller but shape isn’t changing. @Dirtnasty @BigSwole69 @John @Bigmurph @Rickjames @Ominous.
Test e- 1cc on monday and Thursday
Deca- .5cc Monday and thursday
Amiridex- .5mg Tuesday and Friday

Hcg- mix 2cc of water and inject 2x weekly on non shot days. Draw two the 20 on insulin needle.

Hgh- mix 1cc of water and draw to the 20 on insulin needle. Do one shot every morning monday through friday and store in fridge.
Hey fellas. I am getting tendinitis in my left elbow. Had it a few weeks. I cannot curl dumbbells with it. I have to use machines for anything bicep. I need ideas guys. Will the tb500 and bp157 help that. @Youts @BigSwole69 @Dirtnasty @Bigmurph @John @NeuroRN.

In the second half of cycle and this sucks. I need some magic snake oil or something

Another thing I am noticing is that my left bicep and triceps are making signicantly more size gains then my right. I am using the same weight for both. 60 pound dumbbells curls (before tendinitis) 100 pound dumbbells presses. I don’t notice a difference in strength on the presses but on the curls I do finish slightly easier with left arm.
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The tb500 will help with the inflammation. May need to look into some sort of cuff, something that will compress the tendons.

I believe what you probably need is to rest it… but… here we are.

A lot of my “overuse” pains were alleviated with the bpc and the tb500.
I wanna ask how to get it but I know it’s against the rules and there is a lot of fake stuff out there. No way to PM or email is there?
Yeah brother. I’m not sure what do here. I’m always causing bigmurph to shake his head at me and disprove so I’ll wait on his guidance.