SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

I use mark bell’s stuff. It’s pricier but damn it works. I use his big cuff, and elbow sleeves. Actually and his hip circle and sling shot. Obviously I’m a fan.
Well with your profession and all I figured you’d be the brother to ask. I’d rather pay more for something that works well then go to Wally World and waste money
I have similar issues, it started with my buddy and throwing hay bales into a loft, don’t do it anymore but him and I both have it now. I wear a simple Velcro strap if it’s not to inflamed or a big one that goes from my bicep to my wrist it forget who makes it I think don joy it’s called the bionic arm I thing works great
Damn rusty how did you get pics of me ? I have it in both elbows from carrying chicken buckets always hurts not on biceps but triceps one I have to do exercises in a very specific order to warm them up before doing others I start with cable curls and rope push downs may do 2 different exercises on cables depending on how warmed up they are then I move to Dumbell hammers and close grip lock outs ( not full bench) then I move to dips and and skull busters but I use kettle balls or Dumbells NEVER! Bar if it’s hurting back they weight down and do super slow reps no sense in keeping heavy weight only gonna make worse
Now on the one arm stronger than other make sure you are focusing on squeezing the muscle while doing your sets your prob squeezing one arm more than other it’s the MIND MUSCLE CONNECTION or if you are working one arm at a time you may not be resting between swapping arms do you go

left arm set right arm set then rest
Left arm rest right arm rest left arm rest ect

Oh one more thing squeeze the bar Dumbell whatever you are using with your forearms tight it takes a lot of pressure off of mine when I do this
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Mine hurts from top of elbow to 3/4 down my forearm. Someone said it’s like tennis elbow.

Is that really how your pics look. Your a big boy too. I am 245 still. Bf prolly down to 20 still have to lose 5% more to reach my goal. I think I’ll have better definition then.
I will make that focus connection on tightening my muscles at end of rep. I don’t usually think about that. The other thing is I may have to switch to right arm when pulling one off. I always use my left arm for that Hahahaha.
Close boss I’m 265 little leaner maybe I got a lot of loose skin and gyno that a TRT doc caused years ago cause they wouldn’t fix my estrogen I will get some up for my workout plan before I start I am gonna wait another month before jumping on maybe I will get lucky on that contest for laser 😀 tennis elbow when we tear it and don’t let it heal it calcifies and when we move it’s like a little knife poking us when we move if you take x rays of my elbows it looks like wolverine claws are coming off it
Having some shoulder issues right now. I think I was too wide on bench. Funny thing is I loved games in tighter and I think I will actually push heavier and feel better so win win
Looking good brother keep pushing that shit.

Your a big guy brother I thought you were holding alot more fat im glad you shared pictures.

You can hold alot of muscle mass on that frame brother. You actually are holding alot of muscle mass already your looking great I can’t wait to see end of cycle pics.
I love hands to middle finger on little bitch was at about two fingers width outside of it. Can get more natural motion down to nipples for bar touch. Also feel I can squeeze shoulders back and dig traps into bench easier