SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

Ya most my body fat is right in middle. It’s always the last to go which makes my bf look deceiving. I hate the muffin top shit but oh well it’s my genetics. According to my ffmi I have 190 pounds lean mass that was as of June I gained 7 pounds last two weeks up to 152. Hard to say if I gained that much muscle in two weeks or if some is fat.
Yep I think bench on smith machine before threw off where my grip should be. I’ll be throwing up 500 in no time I believe
Built like a tank brother just like me honestly. I’ve taken shit for being to heavy on a dirty bulk but no one says anything once I cut down.
After this cycle if you can go with primo and low test or even another lean mass cycle like an andro mix you will be looking solid.
I bench with two fingers on the line on bar kinda where a practice for competition so I stuck with it but honestly if my shoulders bother me I scoot in a little if elbows are I scoot out im all about comfort these days
If you run a pct the time you were on is the minimum to take off but if you’re cruising you could be on low dose test and primo once your blood work shows that your cholesterol and such are back in balance but if your going for the andro mix I would wait until you have come back completely and let all the water and fat drain away then hit it hard.
So here is my plan. Finish this cycle 6 more weeks. Go on a cruise with test and hcg. Then in 2 months hit a cycle with Test E, Sustanon, EQ, and Dbol. I want to hit cardio and abs harder on the cruise. Thinking about cardio on Tren is tuff plus I hate cardio!! I am hoping to have my BF down around 12 or 13 by the time I hit my 2nd cycle. Hopefully it’ll be down to 15 by the end of this cycle. Bf of 12 will probably be my college playing bf. Also gotta quit smoking to help with cardio. I want to quit but it’s a bitch!!

So based on this discussion about my next step what do you think would help while on the cruise before my second cycle that would compliment my goals. Oh ya am running GH also. I know you already told me your opinion but now that you have more information would that change or still be the same? @Bigmurph.

End goal. By end of second cycle BF 12 or less and add another 20 pounds of muscle in addition to whatever I finish adding with this cycle.

Chime in @NeuroRN I know your awake now. Or anyone else
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  1. Quite smoking, ASAP. Nicotine is actually a positive neuro stimulant. Chew the gum.
  2. I think If you cruise. Cruise. I personally say test and maybe Proviron only. Focus on diet training.
  3. I love EQ and feel like the gains are kept easily. Especially if you’re going into that cycle at 13-15%. You’re gonna be lean and vascular AF. I’ve never used DBol for anything but PWO.
  4. Just remember diet and consistency is key! Even more important than gear.
I agree with that. Diet and consistency are most important. I’ll try the gum.

I am struggling with my workout schedule now compared to when I was using NPP for first half of cycle. Now with Tren I am doing basically the same things and giving the rest needed but I don’t feel as “done” after my work out. I feel like I could be doing a lot more. Yesterday I was in the gym for two
Hours trying to make up for lost time during the week. (Work
Got in the way a couple
Days). I did a total of 550 reps for arms shoulders chest and back. Again trying to catch up. That made me feel done. It’s been 24 hours I have 0 onset muscle soreness and want to go tear it up again.

Should I alter my workout on Tren? Any ideas
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I’m going to I tried the other day but phone is being stupid. But I will give an update. So I’m one week in to my cycle. And my skin hurts. I can feel it being stretched. Of course I can not see results yet, and I don’t feel anything different now that I’m on my cycle. But the tightness of the skin feels good.
Probably the water because the deca. I am getting plenty potassium bro. I don’t feel soreness or cramping at all. I read Tren is 5 times more anabolic then test and muscles heal super fast. I wanna know if that means I can work harder and longer. Or am I gonna fuck up something else like CNS. Cause I really don’t feel like I am getting a hard work out with my routine. At least not since I started Tren.
Then change your workout. Find a weight that works for 4 sets of 20 reps. Just remember your trying to get ripped not be huge with no definition.
Yes. But I also wanna gain as much muscle as possible while on Tren. Pound wise Tren gives great gains potential of 15 to 20 pounds lean muscle in 8 weeks from what I understand. Will that work with your recommendations. Tren is an amazing compound. Really leans a guy out on its own with good diet and gym time
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