SB Labs

Second touchdown from Platinum

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I know I’ve lost some stomach. Since I’m not hanging out with ol girl my soda intake is miniscule. Maybe 16oz in two weeks. Diets been super strict. Literally grits eggs.
And rice and chicken and my shake. That’s it. I could stand to add more food to my breakfast though. Grits and eggs doesn’t really add anything…
Hahaha touche Poppy. It’s just real mild on the calories I guess. I could double it. And add a glass of milk. But doubling up the grits really does go a long way. No point in being a pussy about it I guess.
After my divorce and the initial shock of child support and being broke for about 2 years…. I survived on grits oatmeal eggs hash browns pasta spinach collards potatoes ground beef.

It all worked out.
Thanks Poppy ( all right damn it I really am going to have to change your name I feel like I’m talking to my Mexican pimp calling you poppy) … Well the serving size is a quarter cup but after it Cooks up it’s definitely a cup. And maybe that’s my problem I’m eating whites when I should be throwing in yolks
So I’ve meant someone who’s been helping me out. Nooooope mfers not a quick rebound or anything. I don’t work like that plus this person is 950 miles away. I’ve had two nights decent sleep. Hoping for the third in about 30 mins. Strength is great. 30 pounds added on the squat cuz it felt good. Nothing crazy on the leg press. No 16 plates like I was before. Kept her marinated at 10 plates. Nothing crazy. I’m being mindful @rdm and @TG . Actually did a drop set… if I can remember… correctly.
10 plates 6 than 2… Remove and go. As I said at the beginning this person has helped me a lot. Probably why I got two nights of sleep these past two nights. As good as I’m feeling with just test. I can’t wait to add some tren mast and drol…loving this platinum gear even though I’m moving along through this life event. Shits smooth as I’ve ever had it. Really disperses into the muscle well. Like just dissolves in that mother fucker. Finishing my shake and off to bed. Y’all be easy… I’m sure I’ll be more active soon…
I think with this photo I can see some decent separation between the bis Tris and delts. Last night was night 3 of good sleep…

TG said:
Like @rdm said also make sure your joiints can catch up to the heavier weights. Otherwise your going to start having some pains and worse case will have some tears on tendons. Have some good wraps when needed to support them.
rdm said:
Make sure to give your joints time to catch up.
So now you have the 3rd And 4th person here, who have a lot of experience and health knowledge telling you directly and indirectly…. You need to pay attention/ you’re headed toward an injury/ you’re adding too much weight too fast/ take caution/ slow down… or whatever phrase you wanna call it. Poppy and I being the first two.

Maybe it’s time to pay attention?
GASP you got your labs back?! And you’ve been running high levels of gear and…. They aren’t looking good?! lol what’s the damage?
Yeah bro, what’s the labs looking like??

I’ll disagree if they’re borderline, cause I think that big Pharma lowered that shit touch their statins and other cholesterol meds, but if they’re way off the chart, you need to roll in some help to get the numbers under control.
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