Telehealth, gear, and my career

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Better so is the bp no idea what happened. Altho now that I’ve got the pain down, it feels like my c spine is a little off. Gonna hit that chiro up tue.
Damn. That’s weird, and unfortunate. I hope they are able to get it figure out for you. Glad to hear of no more flare ups.
They gave me gabapentin for my disc issues to try have three degenerated completely and two herniated ones can say it did help but it made me feel weird as shit twitchy like a meth tick or u controllable movements and have these jolts like I was getting shocked when I stopped I only take it if it gets bad and I need some relief but as far as everyday I will pass
That’s interesting. I’ve never heard anyone say that about Neurontin, especially with it decreasing spasticity in the neuron. Well, either way- that sounds awful. I don’t blame you for only taking as needed.
Holy shit pain like no other! Won’t go away, taken excedrin, tramadol, flexoreel. Bout 2 take 300 of gabapintin. Its not lookin good. Can’t forsee me letting a chiropractor touch me. He’ll I can’t even stand for 10 min anymore… gotta be spinal right?
ER. what’s your BP? If you go to ER, ask about MRI of head, neck, and spine. This sounds not good. Not being able to stand for more than 10 min does sound spinal to me, but that’s a guess based off what you’ve said. Where is the pain? In your head? Neck? @Sig516
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Back of neck dull, extreme behind left eye. Bp. Is 130s over 70 unless the pain cranks up. Then I’m pushing around 190 over 90
@Sig516 could be nerve issues. Honestly, I think If the pain is that bad after the Gabapentin, you need to go to the ER. I’m sorry that’s not helpful or what you want to hear, but that pain is worrisome.
I do appreciate it, my wife works at our hospital in nuke. Our e.r. doesn’t have those imaging capabilities lol. Oh well till tomorrow. Thanks bro
Shit man. I hate that. Keep me posted if something changes. I’m at work, so when I get a second I’ll hit you back.
I keep bp monitor blood sugar and pulse Ox and any time I have issue start jotting down what I see so I can tell doc you be surprised how haywire your system can get when something is out of wack electrolytes sugar hormones I don’t have anywhere near The knowledge that Neuro has just basic MT or first responder is the pain always there or does it come quick out of nowhere ? Are you hydrated seen bad dehydration do crazy stuff
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