The road to 2000 dirty pounds log

Good news is once the weights got heavier it seemed to cure all but my shoulder which is either sore front yesterday or a bit dinged either way the pause felt good
Todays lift
Squats 2 ct pause 485x3 rpe 6 415x3x5
Leg ext Leg curl ss 3x20 75/95 has to use the single leg machines today
Back extensions tempo 3 ct down 3x15 315 machine
Calve 3x25 65
I wish I could skip that step
And just post straight to here but it only takes a few minutes to do
I felt like I got stronger during set. I think I may have had 9 in me I know six more is a lot but it felt strong on third. The last set with 415. There was 5 of them I just sat as far as possible for maybe 1.5 seconds each
Ok todays lifts
Squats 595x3 rpe7 535x3 505x3x3
Leg press 3x11 11 pps
Leg curls 3ct eccentric 3x12 175
No time for leg ext aka machine broke and the other option was being used

My coach got video of lift and was just amazed at ease seeing it was 30 pound heavier than programmed weight
Due to nobody working last week we don’t have much work to do this week. Im not working any 12’s and my new guy will be moving to shift next week rhings are coming together for this prep
Todays workout
Tempo bench 3-2-0 430x3 380x3x5
Jm press 4 x10 280
Chest fly 4x15 220
Ss single arm triceps and face pulls 4x20 20/40
Ordered bpc nd tb today to ge
T this bicep tendon right
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Todays lifts
Dead’s 615x2 555x2 545x3x4 no straps used today so great grip work
Pendlay rows 4x8 275
Tbar row middle grip 4x8 3plates
Single arm lat pull down 4x10 70
Db shrugs 4x15 125’s

So I think either the new ment inhave is od or the older was under dosed. But I went nee vial old vial new vial and can tell difference. One I dropped back to 306 on old vial. Now I’m back to 311 this morning. I felt like my eatro got low doing 12.5 xtane e3d so went to e4d and I’m going to have ti go back ti e3d. Also my sleep is back to not being able to stay in bad past 9 with out eating cuaae um hunger has ramped up again. I’ll have to do stock and see how many old bottles I have then decide how to use them may not be the worst thing to use the weaker ones once i add tren in.
309.4 today
Bench 460x5 rpe7 410x5x3
Ohp 3x7 215
Incline bb 3x12 245 rpe7
Tricep rope pushdown 3x15 70
Ss front raises face pulls 3x20 20/40