For the vast majority I’ve been very pleased with how much is being done so quickly and adhering to what campaigned to do. I feel as though many expect it to be a light switch to bring down prices particularly gas. I am of believe it will get there but likely takes a lot of restarting up and adding to drilling sites…amazing how much damage to not only the economy but also how divided the main media is stoking racial tensions.
My other view which is almost equal in importance to me is to keep the transgender and pronoun push outside of schools, especial elementary/middle schools. I will be respectful if you have certain pronouns, but I simply avoid this as much as possible by just using real name (fortunately haven’t had to deal with name changes as I have a nephew that as a minor and during COVID that is when this all came out).
Sorry of on tangent. Overall IMO I have more positives than negative on performance, though disagree with his continued involvement with the Israel/Gaza conflict. Hopefully in Ukraine they do reach a cease fire ideally under agreeable terms though I think Zelensky had agree to terms but then reversed course. How much money/equipment are we willing to provide and in my mind we are playing with fire given these are our weapons and believe the US is needed to use them. So in a sense this is a very gray but in my mind we are already at war, but as a proxy one where it’s at least reported US doesn’t have boots on ground.
Top reasons for me voting Trump are:
- stop or significantly being the world police
- Illegal immigration. This is tough as I am sure there are many good people that crossed the the border since it was not really enforced. However illegal crossing has dramatically decreased so much from day 1. Concerns I have with this is pushing out jobs for citizens and the crazy amount of money the “NGOs” provide using tax payer dollars which includes credit card, hotels, even medical services which will further add to our debt. All for LEGAL immigration. But at same time I can kind of put myself in their shoes as coming into US is most likely a beneficial financial situation and quality of life depending on region they are from.
- improve the economy which will take sometime to really see changes.
- reduce crime and respect for law enforcement
- rebuilt military once again (hopefully do not to go downtown that road) through the famous quote peace through strength.
- hire based on who is most qualified for job as primary criteria, instead of quota to ensure all groups are equally represented. This falls under DEI where I’m all good with diversity and equality, but equity being practice equal outcomes is concerning.
Sorry will stop here as this became a novel. Respect everyones opinion as I know this is a very polarizing topic. Overall I think it will take time to get there, but on a better path.