Why AAS kill cardio?

The only compound that ever seemed
to ever hinder my cardio was tren. I personally haven’t noticed any negative impact upon cardio with any other compounds…Maybe a little excessive leg or lower back pump when doing tread climber or incline walking with Anavar.
Just like Stratfordave mentioned the only aas that affects my cardio will be Tren, and that’s only really if I cross my magic number of 400mg/week. I have used broncialdialators in the past the help combat it.
I do a lot of aerobic training, 5-7 hours a week on average. Tren made a noticeable, negative impact on my cardio as others have already said but I have also had some issues with other compounds. I believe the negative impact on aerobic activity was a response to weight gained-slower and harder to move, high BP- extra strain on the heart, and muscle cramping-pumps.

Long endurance workouts will suffer from AAS use in my experience where sprints and short hard efforts tend to improve
I compete and I’ve done heavy loads of gear and light. Nothing has ever effected my cardio. Not sure where you guys heard this and how it effects you but I’ve never heard nor personally experienced this. Even at 700mg trenA a week I never had my cardio hindered and that was with extreme prep diet. I say suck it up boys and quit being pussies 😂😂😂😂 kidding of course but seriously I’ve never heard this. Oh the wide world web lol
I agree, even now I’m using tren and my cardio is great. Slight increased heart rate and of course more sweating but definitely hasn’t hindered it.
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I see now days anyone on gear have one little issue they want to blame gear right away. Omg my eye twitched 10 times in a row. Quick search on net shows if your eye twitches 10 times your aas are the reason 😂😂😂
That sounds about right, I think the only that is legit now matter what I run is sweating at night, everything is just all in my head
I think you are inexperienced if you feel that way don’t do them. I’ve been doing this for a long time I’ve ran heavy dosages and dieted hardcore. Roofs haven never effected me in any way. I think people read that it does this or that and use it as an excuse why they can’t do “cardio”. I’m not saying abuse roofs at all. I’ve done that. 700mg of trenA is not good but it never effected me harshly other than night sweats and no sleep. Cardio?? Nope did my cardio twice a day sucked it up (was hard due to an extreme diet)

So no i don’t take it nonchalantly at all. I also don’t make excuses for stuff either.
How am I making excuses. I’ve gone 10 rounds in the ring in pro cards. I know what conditioning is.

A guy runs 200mg gets, different guy runs a gram of test and don’t even need 10mg of nolva. A guys runs 100mg of drol for PWO and gets great pump and aggressive. Another gets a bad headache and high BP and other sides at 25mg.

Come on, you said you’re so experienced yourself. You can’t think of any theories? Perhaps high androgen causes high aggression and even slight anxiety gives a guy high heart rate and high BP.

There’s not just physical sides, psychological sides also can fuck with your body.

Chill with the tone bro.
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First off there is no tone. So relax lol

Second I guess I don’t think of that because I’ve never had those issues. I think that has to do with will power.

I guess some people are more prone to physiological problems than others. Like I said I’ve never had those issues maybe I’m inventive to those issues. I have to remember everyone is wired differently.

Sorry if you take offense how I talk I’m just straight forward and no bullshit type of person.

And congrats on being pro in the ring. I know that’s not easy.
Alright, it sounded like you’re saying people who feel sides are making excuses and should suck it up.

Sucking it up is not always great advice. Yeah there are stupid people who think a itch on their arm is caused by Aas. But we listen to our body and check what’s up. I’m all about pushing my body but I’m very careful and aware of what’s going on.

And it’s the complete opposite with me. The more experienced I get. The more I’m aware of what’s going on possible problems. I used to think nothing bad could ever happen. The dangers are def overplayed in the media and ignorant people. But it’s no joke either.
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The sides I was referring to was the cardio you mentioned. You have to remember roids were invented to help us. Yes people use them to advance their active lifestyle weather it being bicycling to competitive bodybuilding to powerlifting. All in which I’ve never seen cardio effected. So that’s what I’m referring to. You are changing the subject to broad spectrum now.

Yes if you abuse steroids yes you can have side effects. But limiting cardio? Never heard of that. That’s why I said suck it up. So don’t twist what was said to fit your argument. If you said your blood pressure was through the roof or that your doctor said you could have a heart attack or stroke I wouldnt say suck it up I’d say get off that shit. So try to keep it in the subject matter here of you saying roids affect cardio. Which I don’t see how that is when they are used by runners and bicyclists for that edge.
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This is actually a proven real mental disorder that the medical community recognizes they call it “internet doctor” lol

Its legitimate people diagnose shit off of symptoms but the same symptoms for Ebola could be some small bacterial infection lol
So go see a professional if its that serious.
I actually believe that in this subject about gear affecting your cardio not true its the extra water and fat that you have on your body you just gained 10lbs in a wk or 2 your going to feel it while you are running or getting the heart beating especially because BP is going to also be higher when taking AAS.
@PHD is on another level he is a professional bber he isn’t a gym rat like me and you so his answers to questions are going to be the hardcore answers. Suck it up and walk it off. Just like I would hear when I was a top athlete playing football.

He knows his shit and he is right its not the gear exactly its just the extra weight and higher BP
As a BB, I’m guessing the cardio you push yourself through is a bit different like the lifting say a endurance athlete goes through.

Cyclists do not touch high AAS, it’s not a coincidence.

Neither do much fighters who have said high doses have a negative impact.

Heard the same for pro basketball players.
Unfortunately there can be implications that are consequently a result of using supraphysiological dosages from exogenous hormones… and most cases this is the amplification of a pre-existing underlining genetic predisposition that unbeknownst to the user could have been lurking all their life, but it’s Amplified because of the increase in RBC’s and this can create abnormalities and stress on the cardiovascular system… also keep in mind that hormones/diet change the viscosity of your blood and puts greater stress on your heart… also depending on someone’s metabolic rate, and their genetics and the amount of output that they are exerting with their workout, their body could be gobbling up the oxygen that is transported in their blood, with the rise of rbc’s there will be an increase with hemoglobin and this is what transports the oxygen to the rest of your body… now in return it comes back through the lungs as carbon dioxide… now bear in mind that your entire CNS and skeletal muscles are Beyond activated and stimulated,you are gobbling up oxygen in your blood at an alarming rate and this is what could make some people feel like they’re gassing out much sooner…

in the example above I gave a few explanations on what could be taking place, whether it’s genetics and the increase the rbc’s are having with a negative direct or indirect mechanism of action on the cardiovascular system, putting stress on the heart and lungs…

Or, the AAS is causing an ultra metabolic environment, basically being over sensitized and consuming oxygen at an alarming rate…

Aside from other hormones like Trenbolone that display an allergic like responses within the bronchiolar membranes, causing restriction with breathing… in most cases with other hormones it’s hereditary and genetics or it’s quite possibly time to donate blood…

When you start to feel like this go give a pint of blood!!!

Also an FYI, you may laugh at this one but I’m serious… look into powdered beet juice… I’m dead serious… go ahead and Google it I’ll let you do the research… 🙂 🙂 🙂