SB Labs

Why AAS kill cardio?

Haha very true! And @Bigmurph, the taste is strong but not bad. I like it, but maybe im just used to it… if you drink any supplements like preworkouts and shit, you’ll be fine cause I can’t stand the taste of the chemicals
The beet juice is pretty awful but you get used to it real quick… if most of us can choke down chicken and eggs for the past 20 years I think we’ll survive with a little bit of beet juice… not that we want to add anything else that’s disgusting to our diets, haha
I do cardio 5 to 6 times a week while on and I don’t notice any difference. In fact I feel like my endurance is a bit better when on. As others have said sometimes I get extreme pumps in my shins when running but that’s about it
Is it shin splints or is it “pumps” just curious.
Most compounds should increase your blood and oxygen levels and help you push forward with your cardio.
I guess tren holds you back but ive never used it.
Im curious about those shin pumps
I assume it’s pumps because they are noticeably worse when running dbol or tbol (in particular). Low dose test only and I rarely have any issues.
Don’t think it’s a htdration issue. I keep my water intake at around a gallon a day. I have no idea what the issue is I just know it is at it’s worst when I add in those two orals or up the total dose beyond 750 a week.
When doing cardio if I use an incline on the treadmill I’ll get that also. That’s on or off cycle. If I use an elliptical I don’t notice it all. Don’t think its a gear related issue as much as you’re working that muscle on your shins more. That’s just my opinion. But everyone’s body reacts differently
Sane with me. No issues unless I’m jogging. Might just be how I’m working the muscle when jogging but it happens much more frequently when on and particularly running tbol or dbol (only two orals I use now and I only run them once a year at most).
I’m going to add some theories. I don’t know how you guys run cardio. But for me. I box and do Muay Thai. Also still play a lot of basketball. Used to play baseball pro but it didn’t matter for that. But for basketball and Muay Thai boxing. Oh yeah I feel it kill me.

I notice my heart is going through the roof in high intensity interval training and I sweat more. Is it possibly more water weight retention? Maybe slight more muscle mass having to do explosive movements? Higher androgen so harder to relax and lower heart rate and breath?

For like just basic jogging. I don’t see much difference if at all. But high intensity interval where I’m going 110% and stopping and back forward. I notice I can’t go long if I use too much Aas
That’s interesting man, I recently started doing muay Thai again and sprinting while running tren and dbol actually but it hasn’t affected my cardio at all. But everyone is affected differently.