SB Labs

Wild Kingdom In My Pond Out Back

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Military Vet
You can see the heron that hunts out of my pond (zoom in). I just threw some moldy bread and old croutons out to the fish. He used to be very skidish but realized that when I threw scraps out the fish would come and he could have a meal too. Pretty cool to see him stalk and spear a fish. He’ll throw it up and swallow it whole.

You can see the waterline. The pond is low. Not a lot of ran lately.

I’ve seen eagles snatch fish and critters up… osprey snatch fish… big snapping turtle… great horned owl snatch bunnies up… otters in pond… everything but a gator. Their everywhere around here and in a river not more than a half mile from here. Of course they might have been here and I didn’t see them.
Hahaha I’ll walk up on him every so often and he’ll take off and scare thr crap out of me.
We got em down here. The state record eastern diamondback rattler was caught a mile from here
I live on a creek and it’s like “dug” out not by us but it sits like 5-6 feet lower then my driveway there’s one of those that sits in there and no matter how many times in happens when I walk over the bridge and it’s under there and it fuckinh flys up making a loud ass noise it scares the fuck out of me every single time thinhs huge really cool to see tho
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I’ve ruined so many Turkey hunts Bc come spring time they’re all poisonous while I’m sneaking around the woods. 3 in shells tear the hell out of a snake.
My best friends dad lives in the Carolinas and does a bunch of pig hunting. He carries a 32 with some kind of powder shot. Like salt or something and it does the job with a lot less bang!!!
Your little pond sounds like paradise to me bro!!! I love watching that kind of stuff plus eating snapper is amazing. Seven different kinds of meat on a snapper. My favorite is the neck and tail meat. Amazing animals. Cut their heads off and a day later you shell them and go to work on their meat and wherever you touch them their legs and claws slowly find their way to your cutting point. It’s like zombie turtle!!!
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