There should be no pip at all if brewed correctly. So that means its on point. Im not sure about potency but yeah as long as it doesn’t crash it should be good
2nd Pin of 50mg TNE. Shoulder day. (I’m doing pyramid training starting at 12 reps working down to 8.)
The pin was nice and smooth. Again, no PIP. I was sweating after my warm-up. My head was super clear and I was focused. No distractions. The pump I began feeling as I was getting halfway through my second movement of front raises. It didn’t hit like a Mac truck, it crept up on me like a thief in the night!!! Next thing I knew I was slapping my shoulders during each rest. Arms were nice and full!
My session today was spot on!
Thursday I will be pinning it again for Leg training. I am going to increase to 75mg. Why because I can and because I want to find my sweet spot
Oh absolutely! I’m trying to jump to Thursday so I can get 75:joy:. I’m a woman but I do tend to push the limits with cycling. I tend to run slightly higher than normal dosages for women, compounds women don’t usually run, etc. I made my peace with the risks associated with it’s use a long time ago.
Ok. I survived my leg workout and the pump! I saw new veins today…tiny ones that I have never seen before in my forearms. I was sweating like a pig, this time it started before I even arrived at the gym. Im feeling the increased dose! During my first set of damn stiff leg deadlifts, I got that lower back pump and WHEW! ALMOST MADE MY HEAD POP OFF!!! I finished that 12 reps then started stretching and gyrating trying to relax my erector spinae…I will not be surprised to see myself on a Gym Fail video .
I’m week one back in gym after a 3 week hiatus, so I’m taking it lightly as far as amount of weight I’m using. But, I don’t lift “heavy” as some people think I do.
I am enjoying UKG TNE!!!
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