SB Labs

DHEA Log Multiple Members

I try,with the heat lately,I’m only hitting like 3000 cals,which is barely enough,I’m on pct,I know I havent been hitting weights as hard or with as enthuasim,however Aug 1 is coming soon,I officially picked out my next cycle, test c,NPP, proviron,with a side a superdrol sprinkler here and there.Ive said it recently but I rarely run short esters,and I love nandrolone, and have used deca a million times,so npp it is.
This evening weigh in is 200.3. Pretty lite for evening weight.

My sodium intake and hydration was low today… the weather was not terrible but I did some yard work and had pool time with fam so there was some sweating.

My wedding band just fell off in the shower. That doesn’t happen often with my usually swollen mauged up fingers.
I hate bringing the bad juju on us but it’s been a mild summer so far. I know it’s been brutal elsewhere but here not so much…so far.

My only takeaway from the weight drop would be the dhea. It’s the only thing I’ve added to my current protocol. I’ve consistently been 1-5 pounds lighter since using it… even for a brutal hot summer which we haven’t had.
I stopped so I can take my blood work in the morning tomorrow and I felt much better while using it I haven’t trained since I stopped except some curls
All over today was right arm yesterday was left arm I do upper and lower chest and inner thighs.

I have tried nutsack and if I wore briefs with leg protection it would be fine but my balls against my legs get sticky.

I prefer inner thighs down there so that it doesn’t rub against other skin
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I’m still on 50mg once in the evening.

Weighed in at 204 this am. That was after oatmeal cup of egg whites and over 30 ozs of water plus a cup of coffee. So weigh in is completely skewed!

Been a little sick the last couple of days. My abs were popping this morning. I couldn’t pull my self away from the mirror. Hahaha I’m such a not mirror guy that last year I seen my bald spot for the first time… wife told me it’s been there for years… she just assumed I knew it was there. Hahaha

This is just now after getting sheared a few weeks ago. Hahaha