SB Labs

DHEA Log Multiple Members

Technically is still racing season, but my car is still a couple weeks of work and trouble-shooting away from being ready to race. I’m hopeful to get some test and tune days in at VIR in September, then a few more in October and maybe a race or two.

Im just an idiot sometimes because of my anger and the issues I have medically happening my log might have been over on that day but since I have been moving around like an armed nuclear weapon and guess what I got the people to get there asses in gear and get me help.

Its really sad that I have to act like a 6 yr old throwing a temper tantrum for people to see that im not fucking around and im not leaving until you help.

People got really used to being able to tell people over the phone to fuck off. I decided to get back in person and start handling shit. What do you know in person they acted dumbfounded that I wouldn’t just leave and that they actually had to do their job.

Im back on track now to get help and get better just had to throw 2 chairs and punch some windows (didn’t break any just for shock effects)
and it worked so I feel no shame I believe that they should for making me have to act like that its the reason I want help in the first place.


DHEA 100MG split 50mg 2x a day I found something out about the cream it gets bad when exposed to the sun I applied on my chest and left arm went for a ride on the bike and got burned bad but not a sunburn just irritated skin.

EAT nothing yet

Training arms today

Sleep 5hrs

Im getting back on this train without a seat or not and nothing or no one is going to stop me moving forward anyone who gets in my way will be told that the train is coming get off the fucking tracks because this train isn’t stopping for anyone anymore.

Banned not bitchmurph fuck the world im coming back from this bullshit.
Imo there’s that tipping point where it could either way. Time and resources on pct or just trt and cycle occasionally. I believe at some point (age) trt is the most economical… my 2cents