SB Labs

First order from Platinum

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I’m run that 1g with 600 deca in the beginning and 400 mast. But I believe @TG wants me to dig a little deeper with the mast. Than l use the drol pwo. .
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Go for it. That other forum I’ve been logging on the females run cycles like Dirts. Dudes running a gram for their cruise
You have to understand its about your goals. Nowadays most these people dont compete but can make a decent income on social media selling themselves as experts in fitness. So it becomes a business. Now you need to maintain a “look” year around for photos on social media if doing so.

Lets say you have all your training and diet dialed in. Genetically you will only get so big. You’re going to hit a limit. Then you add in 600mg test. run all the cycles you can at 600mg. You will gain fast and then hit a limit again. You will improve in little areas but your body is already peaking equal to the amount of hormones you take.

So you increase your base to 1g a week. You will again run all the combos of gear you can and hit a limit again.

The limit that 1g base is going to give you. When you go “off” for prolonged periods can cause other issues. And you will drop in weight. You wont maintain everything. Keeping a high base year around will help maintain this and less shock to the body when you start a cycle again.

Its much easier to control your hormones when you know what test your taking, any AI you need to keep estrogen in place and meds for bp, etc.

Back over 20-30 years ago no one wanted to admit dosages. Like now. Everyone wants to be bigger then the next guy. You tell everyone to increase dosages then everyone gets bigger or those that cant genetically handle it will drop with health issues and blame you. We have current guys on the Olympia stage claiming on social media they are only taking 300mg test… There will always be naive people that believe them. You will always have those that claim to be natural and lie their ass off. Back in the 90s and early 2000s I was friends with a few pros that would lie their ass off about their dosages even to me and laugh about it. But theyre going thru a bottle or two of test a week and saying they take 200-300mg a week lol.

Some people will happy where they are and will stay around their dosages. Thats a given and perfectly alright for them. Some lift for work reasons, personal reasons, compete etc.
Piana comes to mind. He competed briefly early on at a lower level but made a substantial amount of money off of his brand by being huge and not competing.
Rich helped to pave the way for others to be more successful thanks to social media then actually competing.

The current kid thats making waves is Sam Sulek right now. Heres a kid that is huge and upsetting a lot of competitive bodybuilders because hes more popular and more likeable then they are. Everyone is either trying to ride his dick now or trying to tear him down. But theyre all after his fame which he built on his own thru reddit and 4chans help. His instagram alone has more then 4.5 million followers and thats not counting all the other channels he has. I personally like the kid, he doesnt claim to know it all or try to be better then anyone. His personality is the opposite and he just says what works for him. He has more people waiting to see him then Mr Olympias and a lot of that is because of his personality. Hes likeable and doesnt try to take advantage of everyone.

Its better for the sport then some dickhead competitor trying to talk shit how they’re the best and they know more then anyone else.
I’m still amazed how pro bbing hasn’t been marketed to be more mainstream. It can be done. Heck steve reeves was hollywood… of course arnold was very big in hollywood.

I always figured it would have moved into the mainstream. I guess the social media stars are doing well and maybe that’s as close as it’ll get.
I think its as far as its going to get. To go more mainstream I think it needs more open regulation and acceptance of PEDs. They would need to decriminalize steroids and make for a better version of judging and placements. Right now so many people are “pro” that dont know shit and only got their pro card from their trainer knowing someone at a contest. There was recently a coach that talked about it where he was guaranteeing his clients a pro card if they paid him X amount and he would in turn tell them which show to do and the judges were his friends.

Its so objective and not like power lifting or strongman events where there’s a clear winner. Back in the 90s we didnt have so many divisions and only so many known pros out there. Then they want to mass market and create 50 fucking divisions extra to give pro cards out too.

How can you really judge it openly and decide who is qualified to judge without certain criteria like measurements, being a standard. All the olympic sports have a standard of who is the winner and who loses.
Doing a mix or both E and P. I know…but I liked when I mixed it that high. Then again I liked “front loading”. Mostly because of not taking anything back from mex. But, we would stay the night take a bunch of primotestin then do the same 2 weeks later. That sort of thing.
I was always hesitant to go over 600mg of Test and have done all of my runs at 600mg or below, along with adding in 400-500 of Mast, or 500 Deca, or 400 of Tren, etc. I have actually even run Test lower than any of the others to see and try things, but I’m figuring out that TG and many others are right about Test still being the base at higher and that it will work that way for almost anyone, minus some outliers that do well with higher Tren etc.

I was thinking about running this run of Deca/Mast/Test higher and just adding back in my AI’s etc, cause I’m an estro producing fool and I know it’s not for everyone.

Have a friend at my gym running TestC-1g, Deca-750mg, and MastE-800mg for like 12 weeks now and he’s been super conservative of the years like me. He’s getting great results and using his ancillaries needed with good labs so far. Obviously eating at 4k+ on balanced macros is helping, but this is highest he’s ever run any of that, including Test at 1gram. @TG
You’re running same cycle I just started for a sponsor in here and another board.

I was thinking about pushing it and rolling for 16+ at Test-1G, Deca750, and Mast800.

Waiting for my friend and colleague, Neuro to smack me for saying or thinking it, but I’m comfortably over 40 now and have not been running at high doses ever, or even been running anything for way under a decade.
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