SB Labs

First order from Platinum

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TG said:
Rich helped to pave the way for others to be more successful thanks to social media then actually competing.
Yeah I remember watching a video of him talking about how he gained 50 pounds and gave it all he got and only place like second or third. And he was like fuck this.Then he found out the money was in YouTube and what not and was like fuck competing. The only thing I didn’t like with him was he was like fuck protein powders but when a company gave him a certain amount of dollars he’s over there promoting it advertising for it. I’m all for making money and selling yourself as a business but don’t say one thing and do another.
TG said:
I think its as far as its going to get
I agree. And I think I’m fine with that.
TG said:
more open regulation and acceptance of PEDs. They would need to decriminalize steroids and make for a better version of judging and placements
there’s too many idiots for this to happen. People going too hard too fast and then you give him the say so that it’s okay… And those judges sure do get paid some good ass money. I used to work out at a gym that Jack Sullivan used to run and owned. I believe he only got high as seventh place in Nationals. But he shut that business down and apparently makes a killing just judging shows.
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TG said:
The current kid thats making waves is Sam Sulek right now
He seems pretty decent to me and sounds educated (yes I know he goes to college currently)and just has his own twist on how he does his thing. And having guys like sam and rich create a wider market. More competition of brands which means less of a chance you will buy the bodybuilders shit. like you said Sam is a very likable guy is popular so the chances of him selling his protein powder or his pwo powder will probably fly off the shelf better than this year’s Mr Olympia
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BBSQ5 said:
was always hesitant to go over 600mg of Test
I just bumped mine back up . Going to hit it a g week. Finish this tren/mast up which I have a few pins left of it. Then ride out this test 1g for a bit let me body recoup some b4 I start throwing in the other stuff.
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All right …back to work damn it I got 11 day straight I have to do. Paying the ass to read your guys the stuff and try to answer real quick and then get back to “life” again. Appreciate it y’all …
TG said:
I was friends with a few pros that would lie their ass off
I say every one of them lie their ass off. Take Ronnie Coleman who states that when he was doing it it was legal and I had doctors monitoring me and all that bullshit. And I’m like motherfucker when Arnie was bodybuilding it was legal. Wtf are you talking about? Steroids became illegal in the United States in 1990 Ronnie got his pro card in 1991. And didn’t win his first Olympia until 1998. Or how strict his diet was. But mfer put whole bottles of barbeque sauce and fake powdered cheese on his food. States he don’t remember dosages. So and and so forth. Who knows maybe if they threw the true numbers out there they be afraid they’d be more people giving them a run for their money. Competitively and literally… Hell I probably wouldn’t give my numbers out either… Its a secret recipe…
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TG said:
You have to understand its about your goals.
We all know my viewpoint is pretty much the opposite of the proposed plan here.
  1. That’s the beauty of UGM. Everyone gets a voice.
  2. If you’re lurking, and or new here and want a different take on how to run long cycles. Shoot me a message.
  3. Be safe, think about 10 years down the road not 10 weeks or 10 months.
Id like to add to my review because all I really said was touchdown. Anyhow it was very quick and easy. Everything was said and done in less than a week. (I wanted to keep the TA to myself per statement I made in first post.)Packaging was great. Double wrapped and in a box. Fuckin triple protection really. Everything i ordered came plus the two freebies because of the deal they have goong on right now. Quick, discreet and a sweet ass deal with the freebies. Matter of fact I will be ordering again before the 1st if that’ says anything.
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Lmao!! You literally started this thread as a TD and it spiraled down the rabbit hole.

Good stuff from Platinum and I will second your review. I live in South Florida and I will not get into the crashed gear or cold oil debate. If crap looks bad to me, I reach out to sponsor and ask. If they make it right, great. If they say piss off, I say thank you, learn my lesson, do not buy from them again, and go about my business.
I have to say, I love high dose test. I recently bumped mine up to nearly 1g per week, and I absolutely love it. I refuse to use anti-estrogen compounds of any sort, at one 1g of test per week, I don’t have tits or anything, but I do notice an enlarged prostate. I’ll monitor that and may reduce a little to 7-800mg per week if the prostate thing continues, but I had forgotten how much I love high doses. Curiously, over the 2-3 weeks I’ve been at this level, I’ve been eating everything in sight and lost over 10 pounds. Go figure.
I get antis prescribed by doc since Im open about my use. I also get a lot of bloodwork done since here its only like $10 to get everything done. I had gyno surgery years ago tho so its more about keeping my sanity in check lol.

But this is a good point where I always tell people when you start going to higher doses you need to make sure your body can handle it. Especially when moving into the higher gram range of totals.
herrubermensch said:
I’ve been eating everything in sight and lost over 10 pounds. Go figure.
Telling ya I used to eat 3 large pizzas like crazy and stay lean lol. Best part of a high cycle is getting to eat and not having to worry about diet so much.
Not sure what is more irritating to deal with. Enlarged prostate or lump and sensitive nipples. I think I’ll keep the gyno, since I know my regiment of Nolva is effective. I should have actually prepared for this round and started my Nolva again, but was hoping that my normal twice a week Adex would hold it at bay.
TG said:
I get antis prescribed by doc since Im open about my use. I also get a lot of bloodwork done since here its only like $10 to get everything done. I had gyno surgery years ago tho so its more about keeping my sanity in check lol.
I get all of my stuff (i.e. Caber, Adex, & Nolva) prescribed through my HRT provider and they run my labs as often as I want with a minimum of every 6 months, but by no means is it only $10. Let’s say $400 easy for labs.

I might have to just get the damn surgery to finish things off one day, but if I pay attention and use the Nolva, things are generally pretty good.
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